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1948-4 9



© p-t Summary of Services chargeable on the Consolidated Fund CONSOLIDATED FUND ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT 1948-49. Main Estimates. Supplementary Estimates. Total. Permanent Appropriations :— Civil List £ 100,350 £ £ 100,350 10 io Debt Services, —• Interest .. .. • Transfers to Loans Redemption Account— New Zealand Loans Amendment Act, 1947— Section 11 (c).. Section 14 Administration and Management 17,320,845 670,000 4,513,156 263,879 Cr. 542,605 Cr. 23,995 16,778,240 670,000 4,513,156 239,884 22,767,880 Cr. 566,600 22,201,280 Under Special Acts of the Legislature,— Highways Superannuation Miscellaneous 210,000 2,530,000 218,100 210,000 2,530,000 218,100 2,958,100 2,958,100 Annual Appropriations : — Vote, Legislative 25,826,330 Cr. 566,600 25,259,730 11 163,989 1,689 - 165,678 13 „ Prime Minister's Department 234,245 Cr. 9,500 224,745 14 „ External Affairs 594,958 Gr. 8,039 586,919 16 19 21 23 24 26 Finance, —- Vote, Treasury „ Stabilization „ Customs „ Land and Income Tax „ Stamp Duties „ Audit 367,484 11,615,075 357,607 684,155 201,022 114,919 1,261 Cr. 147,240 3,460 82,000 3,980 Cr. 370 368,745 11,467,835 361,067 766,155 205,002 114,549 General Administration, — Vote, Public Service Commission „ Internal Affairs „ Island Territories „ Printing and Stationery „ Marine „ Labour and Employment „ Maori Affairs „ Valuation „ Electoral ,, Census and Statistics „ Rehabilitation 13,340,262 Cr. 56,909 13,283,353 27 28 33 36 37 39 41 42 43 44 45 81,125 1,348,126 632,054 735,445 518,644 1,712,140 601,788 208,868 20,168 82,800 382,800 3,000 162,563 42,626 42,940 10,840 Gr. 89,505 787 3,970 35,000 200 2,350 84,125 1,510,689 674,680 778,385 529,484 1,622,635 602,575 212,838 55,168 83,000 385,150 6,323,958 214,771 6,538,729