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B—7 [Ft. I]




(a) Ordinary departmental expenditure and receipts are not charged to or credited to the Ordinary Revenue Account. " Estimated " and "Actual Receipts " shown above relate to—(1) Housing : Rents and royalties from Crown lands. (2) State Hydro-electric .- Licence fees from privately operated hydro-electric generating plants.


These receipts represent payments for goods and services supplied by Departments, rents, royalties, and miscellaneous receipts from Crown lands, rents of departmental buildings, and stabilization recoveries. & Summary of Departmental Receipts creditec Estimated. Actual Ph to the Consolidated Fund CONSOLIDATED FUND ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT Receipts. 1948-49. 1947-48. 1947-48. Departmental Reci 2IPTS : — £ £ £ 197 Agriculture .. .. 462,700 454,480 385,658 157 Air 293,130 264,100 356,860 142 Army 140,000 238,200 202,419 63 Audit 41,000 35,000 42,006 113 Census and Statist ics 700 500 571 126 Crown Law Office 200 250 359 56 Customs 48,000 63,000 59,486 280 Education .. 192,500 172,000 204,631 111 Electoral 100 300 1,013 40 External Affairs .. 49,000 27,000 40,876 259 Health 337,000 267,750 344,256 169 Highways Mainten ance 160,000 167,482 Housing (a) 13,000 ii,ooo 11,981 235 Industries and Coi nmerce 322,400 522,086 550,309 80 Internal Affairs 231,455 182,900 272,476 84 Island Territories 462,700 416,865 491,297 124 Justice and Prisons 391,920 366,660 387,094 102 Labour and Employment 210,750 128,700 157,034 58 Land and Income Tax 14,500 17,000 12,874 178 Lands and Survey 503,100 515,650 542,665. 26 Legislative 1,650 1,807 2,037 107 Maori Affairs 32,095 30,546 30,962 95 Marine 218,135 193,870 213,957 223 Mines 33,000 28,000 41,595 136 Navy 126,905 226,515 166,408 130 Police 14,650 11,735 15,403 31 Prime Minister's Department 25,000 10,000 11,229 86 Printing and Stationery 600,000 475,000 509,120 65 Public Service Commission, Office of the 1,000 1,500 1,649 167 Public Works 3,803,900 2,863,000 4,142,884 115 Rehabilitation 1,500 1,450 5,697 218 Scientific and Industrial Research 86,555 121,045 88,253 283 Social Security 16,000 35,000 34,877 52 Stabilization 1,250,000 3,183,170 3,611,221 61 Stamp Duties 76,500 80,700 77,762 182 State Forest Service 366,500 16,023 State Hydro-electric (a) 5,000 ' 500 4,007 242 Tourist and Health Resorts 303,000 242,000 263,995 228 Transport 92,000 80,000 92,822 48 Treasury 201,000 135,000 218,929 109 Valuation TOTAL 93,500 89,500 60,532 11,222,045 11,493,779 13,840,709