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B—l [PT. IV]

DEPARTMENT OF MAORI AFFAIRS— continued BUILDING CONSTRUCTION FUND (LAND FOR SETTLEMENTS ACCOUNT) Revenue Account foe the Year Ended 31st March, 1947 ih\ £ Q r „ Interest on capital .. .. .. .. .. .. 4,397 Charges against jobs for administration, &c. .. .. .. 4,896 Sundry expenses 10 6 Insurance rebates .... 1 Depreciation on plant, buildings, and equipment .. .. 705 Holiday pay surplus "" " " qi Repairs and maintenance 14 Net loss, carried down .. ->74 Builders maintenance .. .. .. .. .. 30 '' " Loss on stores trading .. .. .. .. .. 10 £5,262 £ £5,262 Net loss for year brought down .. .. .. .. 274 £ Profit, transferred to Accumulated Revenue Account .. .. 1,151 Administration charge on works in progress at 31st March, 1946 .. 1,425 £1,425 £1,425 • —— Accumulated Revenue Account for the Year Ended 31st March, 1947 Dr. £ fj „ Balance, Ist April, 1946 1,313 Profit from Revenue Account 1,151 Balance, 31st March, 1947 .. .. .. .. .. 'i62 £1 > 313 £1,313