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SECOND SESSION OF THE FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS The Right Honourable Peter Fraser, P.C., C.H., Minister of External Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand. Sir, — I have the honour to present the report of the New Zealand delegation on the second session of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations which met in Parliament Buildings, Copenhagen, Denmark, from 2 September, 1946, to 13 September. Representatives of forty-one member nations attended the Conference, together with observers from seven non-member nations. Ten International Government and four International non-Government organizations were also represented. The delegation representing New Zealand comprised:— Mr E. J. Fawcett, Director-General of Agriculture, Member; Mr N. Z. McClumpha, New Zealand Marketing Department, London (Alternate) ; Mr F. H. Taylor, Department of Agriculture, London (Alternate); Mrs E. Norford, New Zealand Marketing Department, London, Secretary. The major questions before the Conference were—(a) The first annual report of the Director-General. ([b) Urgent short-term food problems and the survey of world food situation. (V) Sir John Boyd Orr's proposals for a World Food Board. (d) Scientific and technical aspects of the long-term proposals, (ie) Organization and procedure of FAO, (f) Finance. Three Commissions were set up by the Conference : Commission A, dealing with technical questions; Commission B, dealing with organization and constitution; and Commission C, dealing with the world food policy. Each Commission then divided into working committees covering specific but related problems. Officers of the Conference and membership of the General Committee were as follows : Officers of the Conference. General Committee. Chairman of the Conference — Chairman— Henrik de Kauffmann Henrik de Kauffmann (Denmark). (Denmark).