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PROTOCOL CONCERNING THE INTERNATIONAL D'HPUBLIOUE Article 1 The Governments signatories to this protocol agree that, as between themselves, the duties and functions of the Office International d'Hygiene Publique as defined in the Agreement signed at Rome on 9 December, 1907, shall be performed by the World Health Organization or its Interim Commission and that, subject to existing international obligations, they will take the necessary steps to accomplish this purpose. Article 2 The parties to this protocol further agree that, as between themselves, from the date when this protocol comes into force, the duties and functions conferred upon the Office by the International agreements listed in Annex 1 shall be performed by the Organization or its Interim Commission. Article 3 The Agreement of 1907 shall be terminated and the Office dissolved when all parties to the Agreement have agreed to its termination. It shall be understood that any Government party to the Agreement of 1907, has agreed, by becoming party to this protocol, to the termination of the Agreement of 1907. Article 4 The parties to this protocol further agree that, if all the parties to the Agreement of 1907 have not agreed to its termination by 15 November, 1949, they will then, in accordance with Article 8 thereof, denounce the Agreement of 1907. Article 5 Any Government party to the Agreement of 1907 which is not a signatory to this protocol may at any time accept this protocol by sending an instrument of acceptance to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, who will inform all signatory and other Governments which have accepted this protocol of such accession. Article 6 Governments may become parties to this protocol by: (a) Signature without reservation as to approval; (b) Signature subject to approval followed by acceptance ; or (c) Acceptance. Acceptance shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. 1 See page 31.