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FINAL ACT OF THE INTERNATIONAL HEALTH CONFERENCE The International Health Conference, for the establishment of an international health organization, was convened by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations by the following resolution of 15th February, 1946 : " The Economic and Social Council, taking note of the declaration proposed jointly by the delegations of Brazil and China at San Francisco, which was unanimously approved, regarding an International Health Conference, and recognizing the urgent need for international action in the field of public health, "1. Decides to call an international conference to consider the scope of, and the appropriate machinery for, international action in the field of public health and proposals for the establishment of a single international health organization of the United Nations ; "2. Urges the Members of the United Nations to send as representatives to this conference experts in public health; " 3. Establishes a Technical Preparatory Committee to prepare a draft annotated agenda and proposals for the consideration of the Conference, and appoints the following experts or their alternates to constitute the Committee : 1. Dr Gregorio Bermann (Argentina). 2. Dr Rene Sand (Belgium). 3. Dr Geraldo H. de Paula Souza (Brazil). 4. Major-General G. B. Chisholm {Canada). 5. Dr P. Z. King {China). (Alternate : Dr Szeming Sze.) 6. Dr Josef Cancik (Chechoslovakia). 7. Dr Aly Tewfik Shousha Pasha {Egypt). 8. Dr A. Cavaillon {France). (Alternate : Dr Leclainche.) 9. Dr Kopanaris {Greece). 10. Major C. Mani {lndia). (Alternate : Dr Chuni Lal Katial.) 11. Dr Manuel Martinez Baez {Mexico). 12. Dr Karl Evang (Norway). 13. Dr Martin Kacprzak (Poland). 14. Sir Wilson Jameson (United Kingdom). (Alternate: Dr Melville Mackenzie.) 15. Surgeon-General Thomas Parran (United States of America). (Alternate : Dr James A. Doull.) 16. Dr Andrija Stampar ( Yugoslavia). and, in a consultative capacity, representatives of: " The Pan-American Sanitary Bureau, " UOffice International d'Hygiene Publique, " The League of Nations Health Organization, and the " United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration;