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5. The bases and methods for determining the value of products subject to duties or other charges or restrictions based upon or regulated in any manner by value should be stable and should be given sufficient publicity to enable traders to estimate, with a reasonable degree of certainty, the value for customs purposes. Article VIII Formalities connected with Importation and Exportation 1. The contracting parties recognize that fees and charges, other than duties,, imposed by governmental authorities on or in connection with importation or exportation, should be limited in amount to the approximate cost of services rendered and should not represent an indirect protection to domestic products or a taxation of imports or exports for fiscal purposes. The contracting parties also recognize the need for reducing the number and diversity of such fees and charges, for minimizing the incidence and complexity of import and export formalties, and for decreasing and simplifying import and export documentation requirements. 2. The contracting parties shall take action in accordance with the principles and objectives of paragraph 1 of this Article at the earliest-practicable date. Moreover, they shall, upon request by another contracting party, review the operation of any of their laws and regulations in the light of these principles. 3. No contracting party shall impose substantial penalties for minor breaches of Customs regulations or procedural requirements. In particular., no penalty in respect of any omission or mistake in Customs documentation which is easily rectifiable and obviously made without fraudulent intent or gross negligence shall be greater than necessary to serve merely as a warning. 4. The provisions of this Article shall extend to fees, charges, formalities, and requirements imposed by governmental authorities in connection with importation and exportation, including those relating to—(a) Consular transactions, such as consular invoices and certificates; (b) Quantitative restrictions; (c) Licensing ; (d) Exchange control; (e) Statistical services; (/) Documents, documentation and certification ; (g) Analysis and inspection ; and (h) Quarantine, sanitation, and fumigation. Article IX Marks of Origin 1. Each contracting party shall accord to the products of the territories of other contracting parties treatment with regard to marking requirements no less, favourable than the treatment accorded to like products of any third country. 2. Whenever it is administratively practicable to do so, contracting parties should permit required marks of origin to be affixed at the time of importation.