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X. WAR GRAVES A. New Zealand Burials Total Burials in New Zealand A post-war provisional summary of burials was made, and the figures as at 31st March, 1947, which will be subject to rechecking ■at a later period, disclosed the following :

These burials were distributed amongst 930 public, servicemen's, and Native cemeteries. Servicemen's Cemeteries in New Zealand The New Zealand Government's attention, with the approbation of the New Zealand Keturned Services' Association, focused during the year on the introduction of many lawn cemeteries for the burials of ex-service personnel. In a few instances older types of " concrete " cemeteries were converted to semi-lawn cemeteries using standard upright headstones. During the year approximately 30 new lawn cemeteries were authorized and about 40 others were under consideration. As at the 31st March, 1947, the state of New Zealand servicemen's cemeteries was as follows :- Number> Classification 1 : Old type, where graves are covered with concrete and upright headstones are used .. .. .. .. 17 Classification 2 : Semi-lawn, using upright headstones .. .. 25 Classification 2a : Semi-lawn, using low, sloping plaques .. .. 2 Classification 3 : All lawn, using plaques at ground-level .. .. 36 Classification 4 : Proposed lawn or semi-lawn .. .. \. 41 Total ... .. .. .. .. .. ..121 In the majority of the new lawn cemeteries, branches of the New Zealand Returned Services' Association have requested, and the New Zealand Government has approved, the use of bronze plaques 15 inches by 9 inches set in concrete and fixed in the cemeteries at ground-level. Inspections Many servicemen's cemeteries and war graves in public cemeterie's were inspected throughout New Zealand, and opportunity was taken to check the War Graves Division's burial cards against the headstones or temporary crosses at gravesides. Notwithstanding that such physical checking had not been carried out for some years, the records generally were found to agree quite satisfactorily.


— War Graves. Non-war Graves. Total. First World War personnel Second World War personnel . South Afridan War personnel . Cremations Maori War veterans . . Old colonists Miscellaneous war veterans 4,154 1,030 9,715 506 13,869 1,536 857 801 1,852 94 349 ' 19,358