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An expedition was sent to the Three Kings Islands for the purpose of exterminating the goats thereon. It is believed that the purpose of the expedition was successfully accomplished. Although the figures of animals killed show a substantial increase over the figures of any previous year, this is mainly accounted for by the intensive goat-destruction campaigns which were carried out in Marlborough, Southland, and Hawke's Bay. The campaign carried out in the winter months of 1946 in Marlborough was conducted over the entire goat-infested area lying between and including the watersheds of the Wairau and Clarence Rivers. This area had a very high degree of infestation, but as a result of these operations the number of goats has been reduced by approximately 70 per cent. The operations carried out in the Southern Lakes and Hawke's Bay districts were conducted on similar lines. A total of 96,716 animal pests were destroyed during the financial year ended 31st March, 1947. A total of 7,058 deer-skins and 14,461 goatskins were recovered. (5) Animal Pests destroyed The numbers of animals during the financial year ended 31st March, 1947, showing the zones of operations in which they were destroyed and the numbers of each species, are set forth in the following table :

Towards the end of the year a considerable fall occurred in prices being paid for deer-skins, and the indications were that a further fall was imminent. It is evident that any further decrease will result in some curtailment of operations by private commercial hunters. Departmental sales of -303 ammunition to private persons have now ceased. The number of deer-skins exported during the calendar year ended 31st December, 1946, was 97,057. D. Rotorua Acclimatization District (1) The Fishing Season Owing to the lengthy and continued dry weather conditions during the whole of the fishing season, most of the fish made their way into the deeper waters of all lakes, and this had a detrimental effect on fishing generally. Despite this factor, some very fine fishing was experienced by some anglers at varying intervals, and the condition of the fish taken was found to be very good. A very large number of anglers visited the district and there was an increase in the number of licences issued as compared with the previous season. Some excellently conditioned fish were taken, as shown by the following recorded weights : Roiorua Area.—lo lb. (8 fish); 11J lb. (7 fish); 13 lb. (2 fish); 15 lb. (2 fish); 16i lb. (2 fish). Taupo Area.—lo lb. (3 fish) ; 11 lb. (5 fish) ; 121b. (3 fish) ; 141b. (2 fish).


Area of Operations. Deer. Chamois. Tahr. Goats. Pigs. Wild Sheep. Totals. North Island Urewera country 784 102 • • 886 Kaimanawa, Kaweka, and Ahi2,709 4^382 315 1 7,407 manawa Ranges Ruahine Ranges 1,427 396 12 85 1,920 Tararua Ranges 924 161 1 1,086 Mount Bgmont 1,107 1,107 Three Kings Islands 393 393 South Island Marlborough-Nelson 1,441 14 50,460 4,604 3,570 60,089 Southland and Otago 0,083 16,111 40 •• 22,234 Mount Cook region '642 '801 1,443 Stewart Island isi 151 Totals 13,519 656 801 73,010 5,074 3,656 96,716