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medical requirements of the prisoners of this and other institutions in the district, gave yeoman service to the Department, especially in earlier years when travelling conditions were so difficult. Dr. L. E. Jordan, of Ohakune, is now in attendance at the prison, and our thanks are due to him for his services. Religious services were conducted at the institution at regular, intervals by Rev. Father J. J. Garrahy (Catholic), Rev. W. H. D. Hartley (Church of England), and Messrs. H. L. and H. G. Forlong (Plymouth Brethren). We are again indebted to the Christchurch Branch of the, Howard League for Penal Reform for the very fine Christmas cake which they provided for the prisoners at this institution. We are also very grateful for the books sent along for our library by an old resident of the district, Mr. Lacey, sen. At Christmas-time the prisoners organized and conducted a very fine sports meeting, several cricket matches, and a concert. Much talent in all features was displayed and the holiday period appeared to have been thoroughly enjoyed by all. The garden was again the source of supply of all vegetables for ration purposes. Although the spring was cold and wet, the garden provided fresh greens and other vegetables daily. This year we continued to kill locally all beef for rations, and we have been able to purchase some very fine beasts at a reasonable figure. Turning to our activities on the farm, although the winter was a severe one, the crops and hay yielded excellent results. The dairy herd did very well and there has been a keen demand for milk from local residents, boardinghouses, sawmills, and the Chateau Tongariro. Our chief work involved the maintenance of the National Park - Taupo State Highway, the Waimarino - Ohakune State Highway, the Bruce Road, and also the highway from the Spiral Overhead Bridge to Oio. During the year we crushed metal at Horopito, Makatote, Whakapapaiti, and Whakapapanui Quarries. Maintenance parties undertook work on several subsidiary jobs for the Public Works Department, and men were also engaged on maintenance work for the two local County Councils. This institution was also asked to provide labour to erect a nurses' cottage at National Park, and at the close of the year this job had almost been completed. Our motor fleet again arranged all transport for the Rangipo and Hautu Prisons, while the Chateau asked us to undertake much of their cartage. The new Chevrolet trucks have done very good work and their acquisition has proved to be a boon to us. In conclusion, I desire to thank the staff for their loyal co-operation. Wanganui Prison (Gaoler : Mr. P. S. Waiters) At the commencement of the year there were 19 males in custody. During the year 63 males and 1 female were received into custody, 66 males and 1 female have been discharged, 1 male (remand prisoner) escaped from custody and has not been recaptured, and 1 male inmate (aged) died in the Wanganui Public Hospital, leaving at the end of the year a total of 14 males in custody. The average daily number in custody during the year being 16-63. The main employment of the inmates is the growing of vegetables and a plentiful supply for the institution has resulted throughout the year. The surplus to requirements has been sold at the auction market. The older and more feeble inmates are employed inside the institution in cleaning, and mending prison clothing, this class of occupation being suitable to their physical state also permits them to have openair exercise in the yards. The health of the inmates has been good, considering the age and class of inmates detained at this prison, many of whom, on admission are mostly suffering from disabilities of some kind. During the year 4 inmates were admitted to the Wanganui Public Hospital, 1 of whom died. He had been suffering from an inward complaint for over fifteen years prior to being admitted to this institution. 2—H 20