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Military Education Board Lieut-Colonel (Brevet Colonel) L. W. Andrew, V.C., D.5.0., lias attended the Imperial Defence College since 1947. Two officers of the Regular Forces are undergoing instruction at the Staff College, Oamberley, England. Reorganization of New Zealand Military Forges In war there is no distinction between Regular and non-Regular soldiers. With the object of removing such distinctions in peace, there has been a general reorganization of the various corps of the New Zealand Military Forces. The following Regular Force corps have been disbanded:— The N.Z. Staff Corps. The N.Z. Permanent Staff. The N.Z. Permanent Army Service Corps. The following corps will in future comprise the New Zealand Military Forces:— Royal New Zealand Artillery. N.Z. Armoured Corps. N.Z. Engineers. N.Z. Corps of Signals. N.Z. Infantry Corps. N.Z. Army Service Corps. N.Z. Army Medical Corps. N.Z. Army Ordnance Corps. N.Z. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. N.Z. Army Dental Corps. N.Z. Chaplains Department. N.Z. Army Pay Corps, N.Z. Army Legal Department. N.Z. Army Nursing Service. N.Z. 'Women's Army Auxiliary Corps. N.Z. Cadet Corps. The Generals' List and the Colonels' List. The Reserve. In general, each of these corps will include both Regular and non-Regular personnel. In particular, they will embody the following non-Regular corps:— New Zealand Artillery. New Zealand Army Service Corps. New Zealand Ordnance Corps. New Zealand Medical Corps. The Corps of Infantry, mentioned above, has not previously existed in Xew Zealand. Experience in the recent war indicated the desirability of grouping all infantry units into one corps, as has long been the case in most other arms of the Service. This has now been done; and within the Corps of Infantry the New Zealand Regiment, has been formed, containing Regular personnel only. New Intake. —Some reorganization and reinforcement of the Regular Force had become imperative by the end of 1916 as a result of the depletions of the war years and the loss of a balanced ratio between officers and other ranks. Accordingly the enlistment of other-rank instructors and of officers from the Second New Zealand Expeditionary Force, the Interim Army, and Temporary Staff was authorized by the Government After wide publicity had been given,