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are being restored to their original state and that planning is being undertaken to modernize and utilize all areas as details of climatic and soil conditions are assessed. Playing-areas have been in full demand throughout the year and the maintenance methods being adopted should provide surfaces comparable with the highest standards obtaining in New Zealand. The Model Pa at Whakare ware wa. has been reconditioned. (4) Wharves and Beacons.—The main wharf at Lake Rotorua isi still in a bad state. Renewal of planking has been held up pending the receipt of suitable timber, but a supply is now to hand and it is anticipated that the essential repairs immediately necessary will soon be done. (5) Waimmigu, Rowid Trip.—For' various reasons it was not possible to operate this popular side-trip—" The Government Round Trip " —continuously throughout the year. The main obstruction , was the condemnation of the launch 1' Manuwai " o.n Lake Rotbmahana. The launch " Antipodes " was taken over from the Marine Department through the War Assets; Realization Board from Lyttelton and transported to Wellington, where repairs and an overhaul were effected. Renamed " Rotomahana," this vessel is now in operation. The " Rotomahana " carries only twenty-four passengers, and is therefore to be regarded as a " relief vessel" to a larger craft which it is hoped will be constructed later on. (6) Muvellcmeous.t—Various improvements to land and buildings have been carried out. These include improvements at Hamurana Springs and to the recreation area at Lake Tarawera; repairs to the District Manager's; residence; strip-lighting in the Ward Baths building and dismantling of the old Spout Baths building for re-erection in the form of a social hall for employees. (c) Queemtown (1) Domam <md Gardens. —Queenstown experienced a late winter in 19-16, and cold wet weather continued as. late as December. These conditions were unfavourable for the propagation of seedlings and had a retarding effect on the! growth on playing-greens. From early January, 1947, drought conditions ensued, and this made it difficult to maintain the various playing areas and gardens in their usual attractive state. The - provision of an additional bowling-green and renewal of two asphalt tennis-courts have been left in abeyance pending the easing of the position with regard to materials and labour. All playing-areas were well patronized by visitors. The kiosk has catered to tourists' requirements in satisfactory manner. (2) and Huts.—The tracks and huts at the head of Lake Wakatipu have been inspected and are generally in good order, but recommendations have been made for repairs to tracks and huts and for the erection of two additional huts. The Paradise interests have constructed a kiosk in the bush at that resort,, and adequate luncheon arrangements are now provided for tourists undertaking the side trip from Glenorchy. The bridge over Earnslaw Creek was damaged by flood in October, 1946„ and arrangements were made to put repairs in hand. A few chains of the Routeburn Valley road and a creek crossing were damaged at the same time, but repairs were effected immediately. The tracks to Ben Lomond and Queenstown Hill are in good order.