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Chapter IV or with any obligation which the Member has assumed through negotiations with any other Member or Members pursuant to Chapter IV, such applicant Member shall so notifjr the Organization and shall transmit to the Organization a written statement of the considerations in support of the adoption of the proposed measure. (6) The Organization shall promptly transmit such statement to all other Members, and any Member which considers that its trade would be substantially affected by the proposed measure shall transmit its views to the Organization within such period as shall be prescribed by the Organization. (c) The Organization shall then promptly examine the proposed measure to determine whether it concurs in it, with or without modification, and shall in its examination have regard to the provisions of this Charter, to the considerations presented by the applicant Member and its stage of economic development or reconstruction, to the views presented by Members which may be substantially affected, and to the effect which the proposed measure, with or without modification, is likely to have on international trade. 3. (a) If as a result of its examination pursuant to paragraph 2 (c) of this Article the Organization concurs in principle in any proposed measure, with or without modification, which would be inconsistent with any obligation that the applicant Member has assumed through negotiations with any other Member or Members pursuant to Chapter IV, or which would tend to nullify or impair the benefit to such other Member or Members of any such obligation, the Organization shall sponsor and assist in negotiations between the applicant Member or Members which would be substantially affected with a view to obtaining substantial agreement. The Organization shall establish and communicate to the Members concerned a time schedule for such negotiations. (b) Members shall commence the negotiations provided for in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph within such period as the Organization may prescribe and shall thereafter, unless the Organization decides otherwise, proceed continuously with such negotiations with a view to reaching substantial agreement in accordance with the time schedule laid down by the Organization. (c) Upon substantial agreement being reached, the Organization may release the applicant Member from the obligation referred to in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph or from any other relevant obligation under this Charter, subject to such limitations as may have been agreed upon in the negotiations between the Members concerned. 4. [a) If, as a result of its examination pursuant to paragraph 2 (c) of this Article, the Organization concurs in any proposed measure, with or without modification, other than those provided for in paragraph 3 (a) of this Article, which would be inconsistent with any provision of Chapter IV, the Organization may release the applicant Member from