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INDEX —continued Chapter IV. —Commercial Policy—continued Section F. Special Provisions : Page Article 40. Emergency Action on Imports of Particular Products .. 56 Article 41. Consultation .. .. .. .. .. 57 Article 42. Territorial Application on Chapter IV —Frontier Traffic— Customs Unions . . .. .. .. 57 Article 43. General Exceptions to Chapter IV .. .. 58 Chapter V.—Restrictive Business Practices : Article 44. General Policy towards Restrictive Business Practices .. 61 Article 45. Procedure with respect to Investigations and Consultations .. 62 Article 46. Studies relating to Restrictive Business Practices .. 63 Article 47. Obligations of Members .. .. .. 64 Article 48. Supplementary Enforcement Arrangements .. 65 Article 49. Domestic Measures against Restrictive Business Practices .. 65 Article 50. Procedure with respect to Services .. .. 65 Article 51. Exceptions to the Provisions of this Chapter .. 66 Chapter VI .-Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements : Section A. Introductory Considerations : Article 52, Difficulties relating to Primary Commodities .. .. 67 Article 53. Primary and Related Commodities .. .. 67 Article 54. Objectives of Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements .. 68 Section B. Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements in General: Article 55. Commodity Studies .. .. .. .. 69 Article 56. Commodity Conferences .. .. .. 69 Article 57. General Principles governing Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements . . .. .. .. 70 Article 58. Types of Agreements .. .. .. .. 70 Section C. Inter-governmental Commodity Control Agreements : Article 59. Circumstances governing the Use of Commodity Control Agreements .. .. .. .. 72 Article 60. Additional Principles governing Commodity Control Agreements .. .. .. .. .. 72 Article 61. Administration of Commodity Control Agreements .. 73 Article 62. Initial Term, Review and Renewal of Commodity Control Agreements .. .. .. .. 74 Article 63. Settlement of Disputes .. .. .. 75 Section D. Miscellaneous Provisions : Article 64. Relations with Inter-governmental Organizations .. .. 76 Article 65. Obligations of Members regarding Existing and Proposed Commodity Agreements .. .. .. 76 Article 66. Territorial Application . . .. .. 76 Article 67. Exceptions to Provisions relating to Inter-governmental Commodity Agreements .. .. .. 77 Chapter Vll.—The International Trade Organization : Section A. Structure and Functions : Article 68. Membership .. .. .. .. .. 78 Article 69. Functions . . .. . . . . .. 79 Article 70. Structure .. .. .. .. .. 80 Section B. The Conference : Article 71. Composition . . .. .. .. .. ..81 Article 72. Voting .. .. .. .. .. 81 Article 73. Sessions, Procedure and Officers .. .. 82 Article 74. Powers and Duties .. . . .. .. 82 Section C. The Executive Board : Article 75. Composition of the Executive Board .. .. 84 Article 76. Voting . . .. .. .. .. 86 Article 77. Sessions, Procedure and Officers .. .. 86 Article 78. Powers and Duties .. .. .. .. 87