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A ship-to-shore radio-telephone service between the intgr-island steamer-express " Hinemoa " and the mainland was brought into operation on the 17th February. It is planned to arrange a similar service later in the year between the mainland and the steamer " Monowai " when that vessel resumes the New Zealand - Australia service. In view of the congestion being experienced on toll traffic between Wellington and its cross-harbour suburb of Eastbourne three radio-telephone channels are to be provided in May, 1947, to relieve the position. The channels will be used for ordinary toll purposes and will be capable of being linked to the Dominion's telephone-exchange and toll-line networks. This installation will constitute the first instance in New Zealand in which a radio channel will be used for normal toll service in place of land lines, and is being provided largely for developmental purposes. The terminal stations will be located at Wellington Radio and in the township of Eastbourne respectively, between which points there exists a direct optical path of approximately seven miles. PRIVATE COMMERCIAL RADIO-TELEPHONE STATIONS As a result of the lifting of wartime restrictions, a number of applications have been received, for the establishment of private commercial radio-telephone stations. To meet these cases, licenses have been issued to — (1) Power Boards, fire brigades, and ambulance concerns to establish communication between fixed stations and mobile vehicles ; (2) Owners of remote cattle and sheep stations for communication between station and outpost; and (3) Organizations or persons concerned in the operation of small marine craft. In the last-mentioned connection the licenses are granted mainly as a safety factor, and licenses are issued only in respect of areas which are not adequately covered by the Department's coast stations. It is anticipated that this class of private station will be in increasing demand, gradually providing a safety radio service for all small vessels suitably equipped and not otherwise catered for. PRIVATE EXPERIMENTAL (AMATEUR) STATIONS At the 31st March, the number of private experimental (amateur) stations licensed was 1,260, an increase of 415 over the previous year. RADIO-DEALERS' LICENSES Radio-dealers' licenses in force at the 31st March numbered 1,485, an increase of 245 as compared with the number current at the end of the previous year. RADIO-RECEIVING LICENSES Radio-receiving licenses continue to increase. At the 31st March the total was 415,281 representing an increase of 22,227, or 5-65 per cent., over the number in force a year earlier.