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Health stamps of two denominations, l|d. and 3d. (Id. for postage plus id. for " Health " and 2d. for postage plus Id. for " Health "), were issued on the 24th October, 1946, and withdrawn from sale on the 28th February, 1947. The stamps were printed in two colours. The original drawing was prepared by Mr. J. Berry, of Wellington, from material supplied to him by the Post Office. The stamps were produced by Messrs. Waterlow and Sons, Ltd., London, England. Health stamps to the value of £90,387 were sold, and one-third of that amount, representing the health value, together .with donations amounting to £1,532 collected by the Post Office, was paid to the New Zealand Federation of Health Camps. MONEY-ORDER AND SAVINGS-BANK SERVICES MONEY-ORDERS, POSTAL NOTES, AND BRITISH POSTAL ORDERS The following table shows the number and value of money-orders issued, postal notes sold, and British postal orders sold and paid, during the year : Value. Number. £ *Money-orders .. .. .. .. 903,369 10,624,440 Postal notes .. .. .. .. 2,354,477 1,028,111 British postal orders sold .. .. .. 40,037 15,413 "[British postal orders paid .. .. .. 32,355 24,446 * Commencing from the Ist April, 1946, all withdrawals from Savings-bank accounts for payment at sub-post-offices were paid by Savings-bank money-order. The change of procedure accounts for the substantial increase in the number and value of money-orders issued as compared with the previous year's transactions. . | Decrease on previous year's figures due to return of 2nd N.Z.E.F. personnel. SAVINGS-BANK Deposits lodged in the Post Office Savings-bank during the year amounted to £72,380,543, and withdrawals to £62,747,093, an excess of deposits over withdrawals of £9,633,450. The amount at the credit of depositors at the close of the year was £141,242,267, the interest accruing to depositors being £3,094,491. (See also Tables Nos. 8 and 9 in Appendix.) MILITARY ALLOTMENT WARRANTS During the year a total of 407,422 military allotment and dependants' allowance warrants was paid by the Department. WORK PERFORMED FOR OTHER DEPARTMENTS A total of approximately £221,000,000 was handled by the Post Office on behalf of other Departments during the year. TELEGRAPH SERVICES TELEGRAPH TRAFFIC During the year the number of telegrams lodged for transmission was 7,908,271, a decrease of 243,912, or 2-99 per cent., on the number handled the previous year. The revenue derived from the messages was £669,510, an increase of £32,067, or 5-03 per cent.