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No. 2 North : This section has been developed to the rise of the main drive, a distance of 40 chains. The section is approximately 20 chains wide and lies between the Armstrong and Doherty Faults. The coal-seam in this section is from 18 ft. to 22 ft. thick and is of very good quality. The workings have passed by No. 4 borehole and are approaching No. 3 borehole. These boreholes show an upper seam approximately 140 ft. vertical above the present workings 10 ft. to 15 ft. thick. No. 3 North : This section has been developed 22 chains to the rise of the main heading. The section is only 10 chains wide and lies between the Doherty and Bob Faults. The estimated throw of the Doherty Fault near the top of the heading appears to be in the vicinity of 95 ft. vertical. This displacement from the main heading is increased from 35 ft. to 95 ft. If this increase is maintained, it appears that it will be possible to cross from No. 2 Seam in this section to No. 1 Seam in the No. 2 North Section. More information is required before a final decision can be made. No. 1 South Dip : This area was developed to the dip of the main No. 2 South Heading. After being driven a distance of 13 chains, the dip struck a fault and a section was developed to the South in No. 2 Seam. The level to the south was carried on 15 chains, when it was stopped, the coal-seam thinning to less than 6 ft. and carrying a number of stone bands. Dip Section (Bottom Seam): This dip was driven from the No. 1 North Heading to the No. 3 Seam, and it is in the same block of country as the No. 3 North Heading in the No. 2 Seam. The dip was driven 20 chains when it struck the Bob Fault. A section to the rise is being developed, also a section to the dip. The places to the rise are now carrying stone bands. The places to the dip are in good clean coal 12 ft. thick. Blackball Colliery Coal-winning.—The gross output for the year was 60,036 tons 15 cwt., a decrease of 1,386 tons 19 cwt. when compared with the figures for the previous year. After allowing for waste (1,330 tons 13 cwt.) and the quantity used on works (350 tons), there remained for disposal a net output of 58,356 tons 2 cwt. Taking into account the stocks at the beginning and end of the year, the following statement shows details of the coal disposed of during the year : Ist April, 1946 Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Stock in bin and yard .. .. 1,850 4 1 Stock on wharf .. 1,850 4 1 Add net output for year and surplus stock taken on charge (204 tons 11 cwt. 3 qr.) .. .. 58,560 13 3 60,410 18 0 31st March, 1947 Less stock in bin and yard .. 1,194 18 0 Less stock on wharf .. .. 7 10 1,201 19 0 Total disposed of .. .. .. 59,208 19 0 Bis-posals Tons. cwt. qr. Shipped.. .. .. .. 25,529 11 0 Railed to Canterbury, &c. .. .. 18,392 10 0 Railway sales .. .. .. 9,397 9 0 Local and mine sales .. .. 4,522 19 0 Sales to workmen and free issues .. 1,366 10 0 59,208 19 0 The gross output from the colliery since it was taken over by the State Coal-mines on sth July, 1941, totals 284,803 tons 12 cwt.