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The Superintendent, State Coal-mines, Greymouth, to the Under-Secretary, Mines Department, Wellington. Sir, — . , 29th May, 1947. I have the honour to submit my annual report on the workings of the Liverpool, Strongman, Blackball, Wallsend, and Dobson State Coal-mines for the year ended 31st March, 1947. Liverpool Colliery Coal-winning.—The gross output for the year was 100,076 tons 17 cwt., a decrease of 22,030 tons 14 cwt. when compared with the figures for the previous year. After allowing for waste (1,058 tons 17 cwt.) and the quantity used on works (3,638 tons), there remained for disposal a net output of 95,380 tons. Taking into account the stocks at the beginning and end of the year, the following statement shows details of the coal disposed of during the year:— Ist April, 1946 Tons cwt. qr. Tons cwt. qr. Stock in bin and yard .. .. 4,813 6 3 Stock on wharf .. .. 609 3 0 5,422 9 3 Add net output for year .. .. 95,380 0 0 100,802 9 3 31st March, 1947 Less stock in bin and yard .. 875 12 2 Less stock on wharf .. .. 88 18 2 964 11 0 Total disposed of .. .. 99,837 18 3 Disposals Tons cwt. qr. Shipped .. .. .. .. 56,946 14 0 Railed to Canterbury, &c. .. 36,464 9 2 Railway sales .. .. .. 591 8 3 Local and mine sales .. .. 4,721 3 3 Sales to workmen and free issues .. 1,114 2 3 99,837 18 3 The gross output from the colliery since its inception totals 4,269,056 tons 8 cwt. Days worked.—The colliery worked 235 days out of a possible 242 ordinary workingdays. In addition, the colliery worked 3 substituted statutory holidays, making the total days worked 238. The difference between the ordinary days worked, 235 and the possible number of working-days is accounted for as follows : 1 day, power failure ; 1 day, fall of stone on railway-line; 1 day, heating in mine; 1 day, miners did not work; 2 days, death and funeral of workmen; 1 day, dispute re back-shift truckers Employees. —In connection with coal-winning, the average number of persons employed in and about the mine was 300 men and 15 boys, made up as follows —Underground : coal-hewers, 77 ; deputies, shiftmen, and truckers, 162. Surface: 61 men and 15 boys.