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SALES The following table shows the total sale of State coal from the State mines as compared with the previous year and the average f.o.r. price realized by each mine, exclusive of subsidy :

The difference between the output shown in the previous table and sales is accounted for by (1) coal used on works, (2) waste, (3) opening and closing stocks.


Mine. Total Sales, 1 Total Sales, Percentage Average Price 1946-47. j 1945-46. Variation. f.o.r. realized. Tons. Tons. s. d. Liverpool 99,403 115,487 -13-93 19 6-53 Strongman 96,681 99,663 - 2-99 24 4-56 James 39 Blackball 58^714 58,663 + 0-09 17 5-42 Mangapehi 51,381 56,012 — 8-27 19 2-76 Tatu 32,476 31,026 + 4-67 21 11-80 Wallsend 44,618 46,756 - 4-57 22 11-99 Dobson 57,127 52,943 + 7-90 24 1-69 Stockton 230.419 210,623 + 9-40 21 2-24 Mossbank .. .. 24,363 22,713 + 7-26 22 2-13 Wilton 75,039 83,479 -10-11 19 1-18 Wairaki .. .. 65,169 63,283 + 2-98 22 0-56 Burke's Creek 13,503 25 8-63 Glen Afton Opencast 15,803 14*394 + *9-79 22 8-87 Kimihia Opencast 42,762 32,398 +31-99 23 4-42 Kemp's Opencast 55,246 38,097 +45-01 20 9-52 Ohai Opencast 44,153 35,492 +24-40 25 4-84 Waitewhena Opencast 21,630 23,187 - 6-71 25 4-34 Wangaloa Opencast 32,023 8,587 17 10-25 Totals 1,060,510 992,842