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HEAD OFFICE Draughting Branch Regional planning survey data is under preparation for the Commissioner of Works. The four metropolitan areas have been drawn and published, and three of the regional areas are drawn and will be published at an early date. Special maps were drawn for the Tourist and Agriculture Departments, and hydrological maps are in course of preparation for the Soil Conservation and River Control Council. Maori Social and Economic Advancement Act, 1945 Sixty tribal districts and 460 tribal committee areas have been constituted under this Act, and the necessary technical descriptions and plans for each of these districts are now in course of preparation. Map Publications The table below is a summary of the maps published during the year, together with the cost of printing. In the case of the topographical maps, 2,500 of the 1 : 25000 series and 15,000 of the 1 : 63360 series were printed for the Army Department, and one issue of the former series comprising 1,000 maps was a special production for the Fiji Government.

Summary of Printing-costs of Map-production for the Year ended 31st March, 1947

Computing Branch Geodetic Triangulation The computation of astronomical latitudes and azimuths of geodetic stations was, continued and nearly completed. The adjustment of the South Island base networks was carried out in readiness to utilize the final base-line lengths when available, and a commencement was made with the setting-out of the main networks covering both Islands for the first adjustment. Tidal Analysis and Special Computations No new tidal analyses or special computations were carried out during the year. 2—C 1A


Class of Map. Number of Issues. Number of Maps printed. Total Cost. Topo Maps— 1 : 25000 1:63360 .. Survey districts— 80 chains 40 chains Counties Boroughs Territorial (4-mile) Miscellaneous 4 6 21 7 5 4 3 14 6,100 18,600 4,500 371 1,300 1,915 1,500 6,800 £ s. d. 564 3 4 844 11 1 254 0 0 53 13 2 396 0 0 209 5 0 159 8 6 417 5 0 Totals 64 41,086 2,898 6 1