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Office-work (Plan Examination) The following table summarizes the number of land-survey plans examined and instruments of title prepared for the year ending 31st March, 1947 :

Last year's returns are shown in parentheses. There is a further increase of 30 per cent, in this class of work. Arrears in plan examination are increasing to an alarming extent, the accumulated total arrears throughout the Dominion being 926 plans. The available staff has not been sufficient to cope with this unusual influx of land-survey plans, in spite of the employment of staff on overtime. Until more junior staff have been trained it will not be possible to increase the output of the present staff to any great extent. Other Office-work The following summarizes the miscellaneous office-work carried out during the year, last year's returns being shown in parentheses Record maps (revised or redrawn) .. .. 270 (164) Cadastral maps (revised or redrawn) .. .. 44 (49) Tracings .. .. .. .. .. 6,810 (5,485) Photostats and prints .. .. .. 48,064 (34,405) This class of work has increased 30 per cent, during the year. There has been a phenomenal increase in the number of prints and photostats supplied, greater than at any other period in the Department's history. The photostat machines at Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch are employed to capacity. The bulk of the record maps revised or redrawn has been carried out in the Nelson and Marlborough districts. As stated in last year's report, this vital work is falling into serious arrears. Existing record maps are out of date, but will have to serve the needs of the public for some years or until there is a falling off in other classes of officework. No system of survey can function adequately unless the records are kept up to date. An even worse position is revealed in regard to the publication of cadastral maps (survey district and towns). Staff cannot be spared to draw or revise the existing out-of-date published maps. In order to meet the demand for this type of map it has been necessary to reprint unrevised maps.


District. Plans placed on Instruments of Title Sur Crown. vey Plans exam Other Departments. ined and appro Maori. ved. Land Transfer. Auckland and North Auckland 14,619 189 180 37 831 Gisborne 770 17 7 67 Hawke's Bay 1,921 • 22 23 10 157 Taranaki 1,498 14 53 8 100 Wellington 5,272 22 87 3 334 Marlborough 593 6 15 1 37 Nelson 1,378 24 27 180 Westland 556 13 5 25 Canterbury 5,547 56 35 2 411 Otago 2,983 35 28 195 Southland 1,201 21 24 2 62 Totals 36,338 (28,270) 419 (361) 477 (578) 70 (59) 2,399 (1,830)