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B—7 [Pt. ll]



(a) As both Departments are now branches of the Treasury the payment for services rendered will not be necessiiry. {b) £2,150 provided on main estimates. (c) £47,595 provided on main estimates. (d) £5O provided on main estimates.


For Serviees chargeable on the Consolidated Fund —continued £ £ £ ORDINARY REVENUE ACCOUNT—ctd. V OTE —TREASURY—continued Subdivision No. III. —National Provident and Friendly Societies Branch Other Charges for and incidental to — Amount provided on main estimates not required —Services rendered by other Departments: Government Actuary's Office .. .. .. {a) Cr. 4,000 Total —Subdivision No. Ill Cr. 4,000 Subdivision No. IV.—Public Service Superannuation Board Other Charges for and incidental to — Overtime and meal allowances (additional) .. 0b) 1,000 Total—Subdivision No. IV 1,000 Subdivision No. VI. —War Assets Realization Board Salaries — N ON-PERMANENT War Assets Realization Board — 1 at £700 (Chairman), (9 months) 2 at £600 (Members), (9 months) 535 916 Other Salaries 4 (£140 to £1,000), (additional) Payment of increases arising out of the Arbitration Court pronouncement (c) 2,200 1,500 «Other Charges for and incidental to— Expenses of Board members (additional) .. 5,151 (d) 180 Total —Subdivision No. VI 5,331 TOTAL 10,831