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B—7 [Pt. I]



{a) Includes provision for £77,230 expenditure outstanding at 31st March, 1946. (b) Underexpenditure for 1946-47 due to Police Force not being up to full authorized strength. (c) Overexpenditure due to necessity for purchasing increased stocks when available and to increased cost of tailoring uniforms. (d) Includes provision for £26,500 expenditure outstanding at 31st March, 1946.


Y OTE —POLICE —continued 1947-48. 1946-47. Voted. Expended. Subdivision No. I—Police —continued £ £ £ Salaries —continued Police Officers 6 Superintendents (£700 to £720) .. 20 Inspectors (£633 to £673) 12 Sub-Inspectors (£563 to £588) 55 Senior Sergeants (£478 to £503) 153 Sergeants (£433 to £458) 1,300 Constables (£348 to £413) 16 Senior Detectives (£478 to £503) 42 Detective-Sergeants (£433 to £458) 65 Detectives (£373 to £413) 35 Women police (£309 to £316) 1 District Constable (£156) 8 Matrons (£309 to £316) 15 Surgeons (£25 to £200) Female searchers Allowances for detective, clerical, and special duty Allowance in lieu of overtime Extra clerical assistance Payment in lieu of annual leave Cost-of-living allowances 4,280 13,220 6,981 26,935 68,679 493,960 7,773 18,696 24,245 11,060 156 2,528 1,015 150 12,000 106,190 250 50 2,880 12,180 5,750 26,440 71,020 541,905 7,385 19,305 26,875 11,430 135 2,260 1,015 150 11,300 92,040 250 16,750 25,530 - 800,978 806,668 (a) 881,353 (b) 800,978 Other Charges for and incidental to — Bicycle allowances : purchase and upkeep of bicycles Clothing (free issue), including repairs, making up uniforms, and boot allowance Extradition expenses Horse allowances, purchase, forage, bedding, shoeing, clipping, and grazing of horses, including compensation for loss of private horses House allowances to officers and men unprovided with quarters 2,100 16,000 50 300 69,000 2,030 12,000 50 150 (d) 95,500 2,066 (c) 17,154 116 320 93,227