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B—7 [Pt. I]



(a) Because of the increasing age of departmental vehicles, maintenance costs are becoming heavier. This item also covers running-costs. (b) Provision made for replacement of worn vehicles. (c) Includes provision for purchase and renovation of building at Hamilton, £3,627. (d) Increases due to general expansion of departmental activities. (e) Increase to cover rent of store in Auckland. (/) The amount voted during 1946-47 was fully committed at 31st March, 1947.


1947-48. 1946-47. VOTE —NATIVE —continued Voted. Expended. Miscellaneous Services—continued £ £ £ Charges for and incidental to —continued Maori Purposes Fund Board : grant for administration expenses, equipment, &c. 375 375 375 Motor-vehicles— Maintenance and repairs of 7,500 7,500 {a) 12,375 Purchase of .. (6) 20,000 5,000 1,910 Native housing and land-settlement: special fees or expenses 200 200 119 Office expenses 2,350 2,250 2,200 Office and field equipment, buildings, land, &c., purchase of (c) 5,400 1,800 1,142 Overtime and meal allowances 1,600 1,800 1,410 Payment for accumulated annual leave due to temporary workmen returned from military service 100 200 212 Payment of monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers 100 100 Payments to Post and Telegraph Department 8,500 6,800 (d) 8,794 Payment to Special Native Housing Fund, equivalent to one-third Native Trust Office profits paid to Consolidated Fund 1,440 2,389 2,056 Printing and stationery (including printing (d) 4,070 Panuis) 3,500 2,200 Public Service Superannuation Fund, Native 50 Trustee's contribution towards 65 65 Refund of fees paid in stamps to Maori Land Boards and to Native Land Courts 20 20 8 Rehabilitation of Maori ex-servicemen: expenses of conferences, &c. 25 25 Rent (e) 4,500 2,000 ' 2,214 Road formation, metalling, and bridgingNative land development projects : contributions towards costs of (works expenditure) s.. (/)81,750 50,000 Roads on Native land, legalization costs of .. 50 50 Sand-dune reclamation : planting on lands controlled by the Native Department (works expenditure) 2,250 1,000 145