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B—7 [Pt. I]



(a) Offset by free accommodation granted by the Board to Government Departments. (b) Covers period Ist April, 1946, to 31st March, 1948.


VOTE—INTERNAL AFFAIRS—continued 1947-48. 1946-47. Subdivision No. 11 —Ministers' Secretaries — continued Voted. Expended. Other Charges for and incidental to — Meal-allowances '£ 50 £ 50 £ 23 Total —Subdivision No. II 20,935 21,375 21,244 Subdivision No. Ill —Messengers and Officecleaners (Number of officers : 1947-48, 957 ; 1946-47, 936) Salaries— Other Salaries 957 (£10 to £1,000), (part recoverable) Payment for Saturday, Sunday, holiday duty, and overtime (part recoverable) Salaries of staff employed in portion of Canterbury Provincial Buildings under control of Canterbury Provincial Buildings Board .. Salaries of officers on loan from other Departments Shift allowance to night-cleaners 241,047 14,500 (a) 200 360 (b) 16,000 233,212 14,000 200 680 \ > 257,696 272,107 248,092 257,696 Other Charges for and incidental to — Compassionate grants to widows or next-of-kin of deceased officers Compensation to employees injured on duty Medical attendance for messengers and officecleaners, &c., injured on duty Motor-cars, cycles, and accessories, maintenance of Office-cleaning (including upkeep of grounds outside main centres), (part recoverable) .. Payments to Post and Telegraph Department Transfer and removal expenses Travelling allowances and expenses Uniforms and overcoats (part recoverable) .. Contingencies 100 500 15 400 10,500 115 100 200 2,500 5 150 700 15 400 9,000 115 100 200 1,700 5 473 14 407 10,519 105 60 96 2,260 14,435 12,385 13,934 Total —Subdivision No. Ill 286,542 260,477 271,630