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B—7 [Pt. I]



(а) Previously provided for under Subdivision No. I, " Treasury," item " Expenses of Government Actuary's Office." (б) Expenditure part recoverable on account of work performed for other Departments. (c) Subsidy higher on account of increased contributions to the Fund during the calendar year 1948. (d) Advertising cancellations, &c. : Friendly Societies Act, £8 4s. Id.; sundries, £3 18s. 6d. : total, £lO 2s. 7d.


VOTE —TREASURY—continued 1947-48. 1946-47. Subdivision No. 11—Government Actuary's Voted. Expended. Branch—continued Other Charges for and incidental to — continued Travelling - allowances, &c., and transfer expenses Contingencies £ 10 5 £ £ 1,960 (a) Total —Subdivision No. 11 (6) 11,260 8,425 7,845 Subdivision No. Ill —National Provident and Friendly Societies Branch (Number of officers : 1947t48, 52 ; 1946-47, 52) 1 Salaries — Other Salaries 52 (£100 to £1,000) 16,351 15,688 14,524 Other Charges for and incidental to— Office expenses .. Canvassing-agents' retiring-allowances Commission, allowances, and agency expenses Fees for certificates of birth., &c. Overtime and meal allowances Payments to Post and Telegraph Department Printing and stationery Removal of offices Rent Services rendered by other Departments: Government Actuary's Office State subsidy to National Provident Fund .. Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies 850 250 5,000 50 500 980 600 200 400 4,000 (c) 96,950 300 10 925 200 5,500 50 600 980 500 200 450 3,000 90,750 200 10 788 171 4,619 50 491 973 580 400 3,854 90,576 82 (d) 10 110,090 103,365 102,594 Total —Subdivision No. Ill 126,441 119,053 117,118