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for decision, while the request of the Jewish Agency, which represents an alien and imposed minority, was accepted directly by the General Assembly. This is not in keeping with the position and rights of the Arabs of Palestine nor with the principles of justice and democracy. Although the Palestine Arab delegation cannot believe that such was the intention of the honourable members of the General Assembly, yet the fact and implication of the resolution are such that the Palestine -Arab delegation, whilst reserving its future attitude, finds no alternative but to withdraw its request for a hearing. At the same time, we wish to put it on record before the United Nations that the Arabs have never recognized and will never recognize the mandate over Palestine or any act or body deriving from it. We shall be grateful to Your Excellency if you will convey this communication to the General Assembly." After some debate this communication was interpreted as a withdrawal ■of the application of the Arab Higher Committee to be heard. The Chairman also announced that the President of the General Assembly had, in terms of the decision of the plenary session, telegraphed to the Jewish Agency that a hearing would be granted to that organization. The attention of the Committee was then immediately concentrated •on the situation created by the action of the Arab Higher Committee. Discussion of their representation was given priority over other matters •of business, and delegates made it clear that throughout the proceedings it had always been considered that the representatives of the Arabs should have equal facilities with the representatives of the Jews when presenting their case to the Committee. The Iraqi delegate, however, pointed out that the action of the President in determining the debate in the plenary session of the previous •day had prevented him from raising this very question, and it became clear that the Committee desired to remedy what was generally accepted to have been an error in the procedure of the previous day. Eventually a resolution, in the drafting of which the majority of ■delegates took part, was passed in the following terms : "The First Committee resolves : "J. To grant a hearing to the Jewish Agency of Palestine and the Arab Higher Committee of Palestine. " 2. That arrangements be effected by the Chairman, before this Committee takes any final decision "with regard to the item on th<? agenda, to give an opportunity to the Jewish Agency for Palestine, The Arab Higher Committee, as representative of the views of the Arab population, as well as to any other organization representative •of a considerable element of the population of Palestine, to appear before this Committee and present such views as such organization or organizations may have to offer with regard to the constituting .and instructing of the Special Committee to be set up by this Session of the Assembly. "3. That a sub-committee of five members, consisting of representatives of Colombia, Poland, Iran, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, shall be established to advise the Committee whether any other organization represents a considerable element of the population of Palestine."