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B—l [Pt. IV]

DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, TOURIST AND PUBLICITY— continued Treasury Adjustment Account for Year ended 31st March, 1946 Df. £ ~ Receipts : Ordinary revenue 180,424 Expenditure: Consolidated Fund 1 256 779 rw? in Wif? • " i+ A "■! ,n«" " 350 Assessed rent > Government buildings (Public Works DepartCasn in bands of receivers, Ist April, 1945 .. .. 1,817 ment) .... oq Recoveries on account of expenditure in previous vears: Con- '' '' ' ' " '' solidated Fund .. .. .. " .. .. 2,088 £1 S7? Lands and Survey Department : Transfer of land .. ..1,736 ' ' Interest on public moneys . . .. .. .. 67 Balance— £ Services rendered to- As at Ist April, 1945 761 958 Customs Department 40 Brought down .. ! loesloSl Internal Affairs Department .. .. .. .. 100 Interest on capital .. .. .. . 26 350 Mental Hospitals Department: Interest and depreciation Cash in hands of receivers, 31st March, 1946 " 4'879 charged m respect of Chateau Tongariro .. .. 5,219 " " Balance carried down .. .. .. .. 1,065 031 £1,256,872 £ Income and Expenditure Account .. .. .. 739,162 Capital Account: Adjustment Consolidated Fund capital .. 17,'256 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,101,800 ■ £h^2lB