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B—l [Ft. IV]

SOUTH ISLAND HYDRO-ELECTRIC-POWER SUPPLY Profit and Loss Account for Year Ended 31st March, 1947, compared with Year Ended 31st March, 1946 Gross Revenue Account


— 1946-47. 1945-46. 1946-47. 1945-46. Generating-expenses (hydro-electric) — Cobb River Lake Coleridge Waitaki Arnold (Kaimata) Highbank Monowai £ 12,109 18,240 14,376 2,954 6,463 10,239 £ £ 18,622 16,348 12,908 1,750 2,725 9,006 Sales of electrical energyBulk for resale Other than for resale —- Traction Industrial Retail £ 33,705 109,745 144,240 £ 778,885 287,690 £ £ 673,866 34,593 111,242 127,065 64,381 1,006,575 61,359 Rents — Land and buildings Lines and plant 946,766 Generating-expenses (fuel) Stoke „ Dobson 4,047 20,608 24,655 1,369 10,042 6,738 47 6,785 6,303 47 11,411 6,350 Purchase of power in bulk Standby charges 44,742 1,240 3,714 1,634 Miscellaneous revenue 12,979 11,878 Transmission system : Patrol and maintenance Substations : Operation and maintenance Communication System : Patrol and maintenance Distribution: Maintenance System operation, testing, &c. Management and general expenses 135,018 25,973 41,042 4,813 40,437 20,058 112,299 78,118 28,255 41,189 4,756 31,303 15,950 118,126 i Balance, to Net Revenue and Appropriation Account 380,240 706 j099 317,697 647,297 £1,086,339 £964,994 £1,086,339 £964,994