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B—l [Pt. IV]

Loan Redemption Fund Account

Net Revenue and Appropriation Account

Depreciation Reserve Account


— 1945-46. 1944-45. 1945-46. 1944-45. To interest (gross) for year Less interest capitalized £ 353,362 20,200 £ 333,162 33,399 137,043 143,693 £ 328,387 30,170 By Balance from Gross Revenue Account £ 647,297 £ 602,916 Depreciation on completed works Loan Redemption Fund Social Security charge, National Security tax, Income-tax 298,217 159,237 2,213 143,249 £647,297 £602,916 £647,297 £602,916

1945-46. 1944-45. 1945-46. 1944-45. £ £ £ £ To Replacements, Renewals, &c. .. .. .. 30,134 14,092 By Balance from previous year's statement .. .. 1,175,970 991,178 Balance .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,226,274 1,175,970 Interest at 4 per cent, per annum .. .. .. 47,039 39,647 Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation 33,399 159, 237 Account £1,256,408 £1,190,062 £1,256,408 £1,190,062 \

To Balance £ 1,150,237 £ 1,013,194 By Balance at close of previous year Amount set aside as per Net Revenue and Appropriation Account £ 1,013,194 137,043 £ 1,010,981 2,213 £1,150,237 £1,013,194 £1,150,237 £1,013,194 |