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ELECTRIC SUPPLY ACCOUNT.— STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS AT THE 31st MARCH, 1946 General Balance-sheet at 31st March, 1946, compared with Position at 31st March, 1945

B—l [Pt. IV]

E. Percy, A.R.A.N.Z ~ Chief Accountant, State Hydro-electric Department. I hereby certify that the General Balance-sheet has been duly compared with the relative books and documents submitted for audit, and correctly states the position as disclosed thereby.— J. P. Rutherford, Controller and Auditor- General.


Liabilities. 31/3/46. 31/3/45. Assets. 31/3/46. 31/3/45. National Development Loans Account — At 4 per cent, interest Interest reserve, being excess of interest charged to schemes over interest actually paid on capital liability £ £ 24,082,673 60,997 £ 21,297,211 60,997 North Island schemeAssets as per separate balance-sheet Net Revenue and Appropriation Account.. £ 20,766,342 91,652 £ 20,857,994 £ 17,981,760 Sundry creditors— North Island scheme South Island scheme Surveys and General 434,682 126,385 561,067 253,399 154,670 49 South Island scheme — Assets as per separate balance-sheet 10,542,319 10,032,388 408,118 Depreciation Reserve — North Island scheme South Island scheme 2,382,622 1,226,274 3,608,896 2,069,631 1,175,970 Surveys and General 31,962 22,986 3,245,601 Loan Redemption Fund — Amount utilized for redemption of loans Available for further redemptions 3,038,239 137,043 3,175,282 2,903,701 134,538 Balance in Electric Supply Account at the end of yearCash in Public Account Imprests outstanding 59,640 10,441 3,038,239 59,640 Reserve Fund — North Island scheme South Island scheme Sundry credit balances 3,000 3,409 Totals £31,491,915 £28,053,575 Totals £31,491,915 £28,053,575 Contingent Liability Arrears of appropriation to Loan Redemption Fund £553,155 £279,068