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XIII. LEAGUE OF NATIONS COMMITTEE Officers Chairman Mr Erik Colban (Norway) Vice-Chairman Sheikh Hafiz Wahba (Saudi Arabia) Rapporteur Mr H. T. Andrews (Union of South Africa) New Zealand Representatives Rt Hon. P. Fraser Mr J. V. Wilson Mr C. Knowles The Committee had before it Chapter XI of the report of the Preparatory Commission, dealing with League of Nations questions. The recommendations of the Preparatory Commission under the headings " Functions and Powers belonging to the League of Nations under International Agreements " and " Non-political Functions and Activities of the League of Nations other than those mentioned in Section 1 " were approved by the Committee and adopted mutatis mutandis as draft resolutions to be presented to the Assembly. The third section dealt with the transfer of the assets of the League to the United Nations. The Preparatory Commission had set up a Committee on League of Nations Assets, consisting of delegations from Chile, China, France, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America, to enter into discussions with the League Supervisory Commission for the purpose of establishing a common plan for the transfer. The report of this Committee, together with the Common Plan, was laid before the League of Nations Committee. The Common Plan, which was jointly formulated by the United Nations Committee and the Supervisory Commission, consulting where necessary with representatives of the International Labour Office, made provision for the transfer of all the material assets of the League to the United Nations on or about 1 August, 1946. The total credit thus established was to be divided between States entitled to participate in accordance with percentages to be laid down by the League at its next Assembly. The purposes to which these credits should be applied by members of the United Nations and the dates on which they should be so applied were to be a matter for the United Nations General Assembly to decide. Before the transfer, the interests of the International Labour Organization in the assets of the League were to be separated. Any ex-officials of the League of Nations subsequently engaged by the United Nations should enter service under conditions of employment established : by the United Nations, and it would be for the League of Nations to take the necessary steps to make this possible.