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the terms of trusteeship for each territory to be placed under thetrusteeship system), in order to submit these agreements for approval,, preferably not later than during the Second Part of the First Session of the General Assembly. In conclusion, the General Assembly—(s) Expects that the realization of the objectives of Chapters XI, XII, and XIII will make possible the attainment of the political, economic, social, and educational aspirations of non-self-governing, peoples, XI. FIFTH COMMITTEE : ADMINISTRATIVE AND BUDGETARY QUESTIONS Officers Chairman Mr Faris Al-Khoury (Syria) Vice-Chairman Dr Ales Bebler (Yugoslavia) Rapporteur Mr Thanassis Aghnides (Greece) New Zealand Representatives Rt Hon. P. Fraser Mr J. V. Wilson Mr C. A. Knowles Miss J. R. McKenzie. Terms of Appointment and Emoluments of , Secretary-General In order that the Assembly might proceed to the appointment of the Secretary-General, an early report was submitted by the Fifth Committee on the Secretary-General's terms of appointment and emoluments. The report, which was adopted by the Assembly, provides that the " first Secretary-General shall be appointed for five years, the appointment being open at the end of that period for a further five-year term." The salary of the Secretary-General was fixed at "an amount sufficient to bring him in a net sum of 20,000 United Statesdollars per annum, together with representative allowance of 20,000 United States dollars per annum." In addition, he is to be provided with a furnished residence. Organisation of Secretariat, and Budgetary and Financial Arrangements The two main reports submitted by the Fifth Committee concern respectively the organization of the Secretariat, and the budgetary and financial arrangements of the Organization. The Committee took as its. basis the extensive preparatory work which had been performed by the Preparatory Commission and in most cases endorsed its proposals.