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(e) Considers that Gejmans being transferred to Germany from other States or who fled to other States from Allied troops do not fall under the action of this declaration in so far as their situation may be decided by Allied Forces of occupation in Germany, in agreement with the Governments of the respective countries. Notes 1. The following interpretations relating to paragraph (c) (ii) of the resolution were given by the Chairman following requests for information by the delegates for Belgium and Australia respectively : (a) In answering the delegate for Belgium, the Chairman stated that it was implied that the international body would judge what were, or what were not, " valid objections"; and that such objections clearly might be of a political nature : (b) In answering the delegate for Australia, the Chairman statedthat it was to be presumed that the information supplied to refugees or displaced persons from the Governments of their countries of origin would be made available through the responsible international body, in whatever way seemed most appropriate in view of the particular circutnstances of the case. 2. The following expressions of opinion were put forward for inclusion in the report and in the hope that they might be taken into account by the Economic and Social Council: — (a) The United States delegation urged the importance of existing international agencies maintaining their activities for the benefit of refugees pending the outcome of the proposed. study and report : (b) The delegation of Panama suggested that the Spanish Republican refugees should only return to Spain when a democratic regime able to assure their rights had been established there ; and that in the meantime they should be accorded special status by the countries of temporary residence, securing to them the same rights as men and workers as those enjoyed by the citizens of the country that had given them hospitality : (c) The Bolivian delegation suggested that the possibility should be studied of raising the necessary funds and means of transport for the transfer to countries of immigration of bona fide refugees r or displaced persons, within the limits of the immigration quotas fixed by the countries concerned and communicated to the appropriate body. X. FOURTH COMMITTEE: TRUSTEESHIP Officers Chairman Dr R. E. MacEachen (Uruguay) Vice-Chairman Mr B. E. Tewelde Medhen {Ethiopia) Rapporteur Mr Ivan Kerng (iCzechoslovakia) New Zealand, Representatives Rt Hon. P. Fraser Mr A. D. Mclntosh Mr R. M. Campbell Mr R. Miller Of the " principal organs " of the United Nations, the Trusteeship Council is the only one that could not be established in the first part of the first session of the General Assembly. The reason for this is found in the Charter iffeelf; Article 86 provides that one-half of the members