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B—7 [PT. I]



(a) Twenty-two of staff formerly included in War Expenses Account (Civil). (b) Mails carried by Service aircraft free of charge during previous years. (c) Number ofofficers, 27. Travelling-allowances, £lOB ; travelling-expenses, £577 ; oar hire, £9. (d) Previously included in vote "Tourist and Publicity."


VOTE—PRIME MINISTER'S 1946-47. 1945-46. DEPARTMENT—continued Voted. Expended. Subdivision No: I—Administration—contd. S alarie s—continued £ £ £ Other Salaries 84 (£100 to £1,000) (a) 30,259 17,602 J : r 33,759 21,202 21,630 Other Charges for and incidental to — Air mails, cost of carriage.! Office expenses Office fittings, furniture, and. requisites Overtime and meal allowances Payments to Post and Telegraph Department (part recoverable) Printing and stationery Printing of information material, expenses in connection with Travelling allowances and expenses Contingencies Payment of the monetary equivalent of leave due to deceased officers (6) 7,500 3,000 850 650 12,000 1,500 2,000 400 10 2,400 250 200 12,000 1,000 ' 150 10 50 2,992 294 376 13,617 1,897 '(c) 694 27,910 . 16,060 19,870 Total—Subdivision No. I 61,669 37,262 41,500 Subdivision No. II —National Film and Publicity Studios (d) Salaries — Other Salaries 73 (£95-£l,000) 30,160 Other Charges for and incidental to — BuildingsAlterations and additions to Maintenance and repairs of Motor-vehicles — Maintenance of Purchase of .. Office expenses Office fittings and requisites Overtime and meal allowances Payments to Post and Telegraph Department 10,500 1,000 1,500 2,500 900 800 650 600