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On UNRRA—- " I am authorized by the New Zealand Government to state that, subject to the approval of Parliament, it will make'available to UNRRA an additional contribution of one per cent, of her • national income as called for in the draft resolution, amounting to some On the Palestine Problem — " I think the task is too great to be imposed upon one nation. This is a world problem and has got to be a world responsibility." On Trusteeship — " Three steps are necessary for the setting-up of the trusteeship machinery described in the Charter. The first is that all the Powers having responsibility for the government of dependent peoples should announce their willingness to place their respective territories under trusteeship. The second is that trusteeship agreements should be concluded. The third is that the Trusteeship •Council should be set up. " The New Zealand Government has applied this reasoning to its own case. It is prepared to place under trusteeship the country known as Western Samoa, for which a mandate was conferred in 1920. "We shall in due course submit a trusteeship agreement in respect of this territory. We shall then be ready to take our place on the Trusteeship Council." VII FIRST COMMITTEE: POLITICAL AND SECURITY QUESTIONS Officers Chairman Dr D. Z. ManuilskY (Ukrainian S.S.R.) Vice-Chairman Mr Joseph Bech ( Luxembourg) Rapporteur Dr H. V. Lafronte (Ecuador) New Zealand Representatives Rt Hon. P. Fraser Mr J. V. Wilson Sir Cecil Day Atomic Energy The problem of atomic energy came before the General Assembly in the form of a resolution presented by the delegations of the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, China, and Canada. Under this resolution (reproduced below) 'the General Assembly was to establish a Commission "to deal with the problems raised by the discovery of atomic energy and other related matters." The Commission was to be composed of representatives of members of the Security Council together with Canada should Canada not be represented on the Security Council. The Commission was to report to the Security Council, which in