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serve for three years, the next five for six years, and the last five for nine years, the choice having been made by the drawing of lots: — Dr Milovan Zoricic ( Yugoslavia) Mr J. E. Read (Canada) Mr Bogdan Winiarski (Poland) H. E. Dr Abdel Badawi Pasha {Egypt) Dr Mo Hsu {China) Mr Fabela Alfaro {Mexico) Dr Helge Klaestad {Norway) Dr Charles de Visscher {Belgium) Hon. Green H. Hackworth {United States) Professor Sergei Krylov {Sozriet Union) Professor Jules Basdevant {France) Dr J. P. De B. Azevedo {Brazil) Dr Jose Guerrero {EI Salvador) Sir Arnold Duncan McNair {United Kingdom) Dr Alejandro Alvarez {Chile) During the election, considerable confusion resulted from differing interpretations of the articles in the Statute of the Court dealing with election procedure ( 1 ). It was suggested that the difficulty should be referred to the Court itself for an advisory opinion; but owing to its late submission the question was deferred for consideration by the legal Committee at the second part of the session in September. Secretary- Gene ral On the recommendation of the Security Council, the General Assembly decided to appoint Mr Trygve Lie( 2 ) as SecretaryGeneral of the United Nations. The voting was 46 to 3, in secret Fallot. In the nearest approach to a ceremonial occasion achieved by the Assembly, Mr Trygve Lie took the oath of office( 3 ) and publicly assumed his functions on February 2, 1946.

(') The point at issue was whether, in Articles 11 and 12 of the Statute, the word " meeting " meant a Plenary Meeting at which one ballot was held or a Plenary Meeting during which a number of ballots were held. ( 2 ) Details published in the Journal of the General Assembly: H. E. Mr Trygve Lie, Secretary-General of the Norwegian Labour Party, 1919-22 ; legal .adviser to the Norwegian Labour Party, 192--35 ; Minister of Justice, 1935-37 ; Minister of Commerce, 1937-39 ; Minister of Supply, 1939-41 ; since 1941 Minister for Foreign Affairs ; Chairman of the Norwegian delegation at the San Francisco Conference. ( 3 ) "I, Trygve Lie, solemnly swear to exercise in all loyalty, discretion and conscience the functions entrusted to me as Secretary-General of the United Nations, to discharge those functions and regulate my conduct with the interests of the United Nations only in view, and not to seek or accept instructions in regard ±o the performance of my duties from any Government or other authority external ±o the Organization."