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There followed ballots to determine which three of the six elected members should hold office for two years, the remainder holding ■office for one year only. This .provision regarding the first election to the Council had been inserted in the Charter in order that elected ■members to the Council, who in future would be elected for two years, should retire from the Council three at a time and not six at a time, and thus ensure a proper measure of rotation. Brazil and Australia attained the necessary majority at the first ballot. The Netherlands and Poland were the runners-up. After a second '.ballot, in which they tied, lots were drawn, with a win for Poland. Economic and Social Council Of the eighteen members to the Economic and Social Council, seventeen were elected in the first ballot, having attained the necessary two-thirds majority. Chile - Colombia China France Norway India United Kingdom Belgium Peru Czechoslovakia Soviet Union Ukraine United States of America Cuba Canada Greece. Lebanon A second ballot was held to choose between the next two countries '{New Zealand with 31 votes on the first ballot, and Yugoslavia with 27 votes). New Zealand now received 27 votes, while Yugoslavia received 24. As this did not give the requisite two-thirds •majority a third ballot was held, but there, was almost no change in the voting. To break the impasse, Mr suggested drawing * from a hat. It was ruled that this was not in order as under the Charter a positive two-thirds majority must be obtained. After an adjournment, the New Zealand delegate withdrew New Zealand's candidature. Mr Fraser said on this occasion:— " I can see that if we went on voting indecisively and interminably, we would lose credit with the peoples of the world. " Because of that and believing that I am interpreting the spirit •of my country, I will ask you to allow New Zealand to withdraw at this moment from the election and to allow Yugoslavia to be •elected. " In doing that I realize that I am placing my country in a weak position; I realize that I shall be subjected to a considerable .amount of adverse criticism; but the position of New Zealand will be one of realization that unity is more important than anything else in the position in which the world is placed at this moment. " Therefore New Zealand retires on this occasion but will stand on some future occasion for a position which we value."