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FIRST PART OF THE FIRST REGULAR SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE UNITED NATIONS I have the honour to present to Cabinet the report of the New Zealand delegation, of which I was Chairman, on the First Part of the First Regular Session of the General Assembly of the United Natlons " (Signed) P. FRASER • 1. NATURE OF REPORT The report describes briefly the main decisions taken by the General Assembly, with special emphasis on the positions adopted by the New Zealand delegation. The relevant resolutions approved by the Assembly are appended. IT. GENERAL VIEW OF THE SESSION The Session opened in London on 10 January, 1946, and closed on 14 February, 1946. The Plenary meetings were held in the Central Hall, Westminster, and the Committee meetings either in. the Central Hall or in Church House, Westminster, nearby. It was natural that at its first meetings the principal task of the Assembly should be to adopt its Rules of Procedure, to play its assigned part in setting up the principal organs of the United Nations, and to constitute itself as a working body capable of performing its functions under the Charter. The Assembly's discussions proceeded on the basis of a report drawn up by the Preparatory Commission which had been set up at the San Francisco Conference and which had met in London from 24 November, 1945, to 24 December, 1945. It had been expected by some that the Assembly would confine itself exclusively to the task of organization. However, by the mere force .of circumstances it came to deal with a number of questions of political importance: refugees; atomic energy; trusteeship agreements. Certain questions primarily concerned with organization and procedure also assumed a political character —e.g., the elections to the Councils, and the relations of the World Federation of Trade Unions and other non-governmental bodies to the United Nations. a
