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CONTENTS Page I. Nature of Report .. .. .. .. 3 11. General View of the Session .. .. .. 3 111. Delegations .. .. .. .. 4 IV. Constitution of Assembly .. .. .. 4 V. Elections .. .. .. .. .. 5 Security Council . .. .. .. 5 Economic and Social Council .. • . . .. 7 International Court of Justice .. .. .. 8 Secretary-General * .. .. .. .. 9 VI. General Debate .. .. .. .. .. 10 VII. First Committee : Political and Security Questions .. 11 Atomic Energy ..' .. .. .. ..11 Resolution on Atomic Energy .. . . .. 13 Representation of World Federation of Trade Unions and other Non-governmental Organizations .. .. 14 Resolution on Admission of Non-governmental Organizations 17 War Criminals .. .. .. .. 18 Languages .. .. .. . . 18 VIII. Second Committee : Economic and Financial Questions 19 Resolution on UNRRA .. .. .. .. 21 IX. Third Committee : Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Questions .. .. .. .. .. 22 Resolution on Refugee Problem .. .. .. 26 X. Fourth Committee : Trusteeship .. .. .. 27 Resolution on Non-self-governing Peoples .. .. 30 XI. Fifth Committee : Administrative and Budgetary Questions .. .. .. .. . .32 Terms of Appointment and Emoluments of SecretaryGeneral .. .. .. .. .. .. 32 Organization of Secretariat and Budgetary and Financial Arrangements .. .... .. .. 32 Taxation Equalization .. .. .. .. 33 Working Capital Fund .. .. .. .. 34 Provisional Budget for 1946 .. .. .. .. 34 Advisory Administrative and Budgetary Committee and Contributions Committee .. .. .. .. 35 Travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. 37 Financial Regulations .. .. .. .. 37