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CONTENTS- — continued PAGES Chapter Xll.—Tertiary Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. 82-89 A. Transport and Communication .. .. . . . . .. .. 83-84 B. Commerce and Finance .. .. . . . . .. .. .. 85-86 C. Public Administration and Professional . . .. . . .. .. 86-87 D. Domestic and Personal .. ' .. . . . . .. .. . . 88-89 Chapter Xlll.—Government Employees .. .. .. .. .. 89-93 PART lI.—CONCLUSIONS Chapter I. —Natural Increase .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 94-95 A. Birth-rate .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. 94-95 B. The Marriage-rate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 95 Chapter ll.—The Problem of Agricultural Development .. .. .. .. 95-97 Chapter lll.—Secondary Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. 97-98 Chapter IV.—Tertiary Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. 99 Chapter V.—Racial Absorption .. .. .. .. .. .. 99-100 Chapter Vl.—Educational Problems .. .. .. .. .. .. 100-103 A. Supply of School Buildings .. .. .. .. .. .. 101-102 (1) Present Position . . .. .. .. .. .. . . 101-102 (2) Implications for the Future .. .. .. .. .. . . 102 B. Supply of Teachers .. .. .. .. .. . . . . 102-103 C. Summary .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . 103 -Chapter Vll.—Housing .. .. .. .. .. .. . • 103-105 Chapter Vlll.—Town-planning .. .. .. .. .. .. 106-107 Chapter IX.—The Financial Implications of Changes in Population .. .. 107-110 •Chapter X.—The Problem of Culture .. .. .. .. .. .. 11l PART lII.—RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter I. —The Birth-rate .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 112-113 -Chapter ll.—Agriculture .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 113-114 Chapter lll.—Secondary Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. 114-115 Chapter IV.—Semi-primary Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. 115 Chapter V.—Tertiary Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 Chapter Vl.—Location of Industry .. .. .. .. .. .. 116 Chapter Vll.—lmmigration .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 116-118 Chapter Vlll.—Housing and Town-planning .. .. .. .. .. 118-119 Chapter IX.—Research into Population Problems .. .. .. .. 119 APPENDICES Appendix A.—Abortion .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 120-123 Appendix B.—Contraception .. .. ... .. .. .. . - 124-125 SUMMARY OF CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .. .. 126-130 LIST OF WITNESSES, ETC. -. 131-132 INDEX 133-136