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western side of Mount Eden Road to a point in line with the middle of Enfield Street; thence along the middle of Enfield Strieet and Normanby Road, and the production of the middle-line of Normanby Road to the Mount Eden Domain; thence along the generally north-eastern boundary of that domain to the middle of Glenfell Road ; thence along the middle of Glenfell Road, Mountain Road, and Owen's Road to the western side of Manukau Road; thence along the western side of Manukau Road to a point in line with the middle of Clyde Street; thence to and along the middle of Clyde Street and Ngaire Avenue, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned avenue across Great South Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Great South Road to the middle of Dilworth Avenue ; thence along the middle of Dilworth Avenue to Remuera Road ; thence along a right line across Remuera Road to the middle of Bassett Road ; thence along the middle of Bassett Road, Arney Road, and Woodville Road, and the production of the middle-line of the last-mentioned road across Shore Road to Hobson Bay; thence along the shore of Hobson Bay and Judge's Bay, and the production of the shore-line to the middle of King's Drive; thence along the middle of King's Drive, The Strand, and Gittos Street to a point in line with the north-western side of Carlaw Park Avenue; thence to and along the north-western side of Carlaw Park Avenue, the north-western boundary of Carlaw Park, and the generally western boundaries of the Auckland Domain and the Auckland Hospital Reserve to Park Road; thence along a right line to the middle of Park Road ; thence along the middle of Park Road and Grafton Bridge to the junction of Road with Symonds Street, the point of commencement; and including Great Barrier Island and islands adjacent to Great Barrier Island. Mount Albert All that area bounded by a line commencing at a point in the Borough of Mount Albert in the middle of New North Road at its junction with Sandringham Road ; thence along the middle of New North Road to its first junction with Western Springs Road ; thence along the middle of Western Springs Road and Asquith Avenue to a point in fine with the north-eastern boundary of Allotment 172 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland ; thence to and along the northeastern and north-western boundaries of the said Allotment 172, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Meola Stream ; thence down the middle of Meola Stream to a point in line with the eastern boundary of Allotment 29, Titirangi Parish ; thence to and along the eastern boundary of Allotment 29, the eastern and southern boundaries of Allotment 35, a right line across Carrington Road, the southern boundary of Allotment 32, all of Titirangi Parish, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Oakley Creek; thence up the middle of Oakley Creek to and across Richardson Road; thence along the north-eastern side of Richardson Road to the south-eastern boundary of Allotment 51, Titirangi Parish; thence along the south-eastern and north-eastern boundaries of the said Allotment 51 and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Vincent Road ; thence along the middle of Vincent Road and Mount Albert Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Allotment 122 of Section 10, Suburbs of Auckland; thence to and along the western boundaries of Allotments 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, and 136, all of Section 10 aforesaid, crossing all intervening roads, to and along the eastern side of Cricket Avenue, to and across lialeigh Street; -thence along the northern side of Raleigh Street and the western side of Kowhai Street to the southern boundary of part of Allotment 11 of Section 10 aforesaid, as shown on the plan numbered 12980, deposited in the office of the District Land Registrar at Auckland, being the Kowhai Intermediate School-grounds; thence along the southern and south-western boundaries of the said part of Allotment 11, and the production of the last-mentioned boundary to the middle of Sandringham Road; thence westerly along the middle of Sandringham Road to a point in line with the western boundary of Lot 22, as shown on the plan numbered 4164, deposited in the office