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PORT OF LYTTELTON Summary of Quantities of Cargo handled and Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour under Co-operative Contracts System, showing Totals to 31st March, 1945 (as per Previous Annual Report), and Figures for Year ended 31st March, 1946


Classes of Cargo. Cargo Units. OVERSEAS VESSELS. UNION STEAM SHIP CO. VESSELS. SMALL COASTAL VESSELS. Quantities of Cargo handled. Bates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. Quantities of Cargo handled. Rates of Work per Net Gang-hour. 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1940-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 1942-45 1945-46 General .. . Disc. Tons 109,369 38,546 12-96 13-62 99 • • • • . Ldg. 99 144,723 24,685 15-05 14-10 . D/L 893,238 136,560 14-00 15-02 245,174 iii ,831 14-72 14-46 Iron, steel, &c. • 99 99 29,879 1,902 11-40 11-41 5,273 . 593 12-18 11-24-Wheat and barley . Disc. *7,742 14-93 . D/L 4,551 17-74 Hides 99 99 2,756 " 489 12-88 18-51 658 " 403 17-51 17-78 „ • Ldg. 9> " 896 " 381 12-15 16-87 Tallow, pelts, &c. .. 41,157 6,936 15-33 15-21 ! D/L *2,812 100 li-73 10-62 , , Wool, sheep-skins, &c. . Disc. Bales 22,594 3,488 53 49 1.4,345 *8,798 *53 48 99 • Ldg. 99 479,424 146,695 88 *91 23,461 1,254 52 56 370 63 TimberHardwood — Trucks i. Disc. S/ft 27,242 60,911 2,747 3,548 4,347,226 605,993 2,734 2,387 1,043,938 35,644 2,786 3,656 Softwood — Trucks 99 ,, 677,686 5,357 1,070,776 3,350 513,232 42,265 3,852 4,877 „ ,. Ldg. ,, 7,422,542 3 j 722 4,880,966 1,692,652 3,468 3^441 89,943 358,963 3,184 2,765 Wharf „ 15,482 2,997 Coal — . Grab — New Zealand .. .. Disc. Tons 5,509 27-06 Newcastle 99 » 961 27-20 Basket — New Zealand . . , . ,, 11,551 11-34 Newcastle „ „ 199 13-49