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the school syllabus. A reference collection is being built up at the main centres, and as staffing and stock permit this branch of the Service will be developed. At 31st March, 1946, service was being given as shown below :

A valuable piece of work has been done by the Planning Committee —school and children's libraries —of the New Zealand Library Association. The Committee's report discusses the possibility of library service to children through — (a) Children's public libraries : (b) Children's libraries as well as school libraries : (c) Complete service from school libraries. It considers that at present, apart from the larger centres, books for children must be distributed through school libraries. The report also discussed problems of regional and district distribution, and stresses the need for trained staff and skilled bibliographical service. Its recommendations will be most carefully considered when expansion of the School Library Service is possible. ARMY EDUCATION AND WELFARE SERVICE LIBRARY Purchases of books and periodicals have been continued for A.E.W.S. Library, although on a diminishing scale because of the end of hostilities. Details of the policy decisions of War Cabinet governing such purchases and the subsequent return of books to the Country Library Service have been given in earlier reports, as have descriptions of the kind of service given by A.E.W.S. Towards the end of 1945 the main work of A.E.W.S. Library had been done. The service given in the Middle East, and especially in Italy during the pre-embarkation period of the 2nd N.Z.E.F., has been most favourably commented upon by returned personnel of all ranks. The excellence of the library service was made possible by the system of supply built up by Miss Carnell, who acted as buying agent in London. Supply on a generous scale to Italy was also organized by the Staff Officer, Libraries, A.E.W.S., in Wellington. Supply of publications to the New Zealand Force in Japan, J Force, is continuing. This Force was also able to draw on the stocks of the 2nd N.Z.E.F. Library before leaving Italy. The remaining 2nd N.Z.E.F. E.R.S. library books have been returned to New Zealand and are being handed back to this Service for civilian use, the War Expenses Account being reimbursed accordingly. It has been possible *to arrange the transfer of Southern Military District A.E.W.S. stock to this Service, 10,102 books having now been returned at valuation. In addition, 3,640 books from A.E.W.S. headquarters library at Wellington were returned and transferred to Christchurch. The E.R.S., 2nd N.Z.E.F., stock of some 30,000 books is awaiting formal transfer and is being held for use at Palmerston North in district or regional development of the Country Library Service.


Education Board. Schools served. Children served. Books on Issue. Auckland 369 29,878 30,320 Canterbury 203 8,859 9,741 Wanganui 151 6,924 7,528 Nelson 48 3,090 3,215 Southland 64 2,914 3,066 Hawke's Bay 95 5,829 6,115 Wellington 104 5,881 6,303 Taranaki 8 548 558 1,042 63,923 66,846 Otago 162 9,619 10,128 1,204 73,542 76,974 ■