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(d) United States Joint Purchasing Board This item represents fresh vegetables duly trimmed, crated, cool-stored, and shipped to the Forces in the Pacific Area. In the closing phases of the Japanese War these were sent as far as the coast of Japan, where they were reported to have arrived in excellent condition. The processing was performed at Pukekohe, Auckland, and Hastings. Practically all of the produce was grown under contract to the Division in the Provinces of Auckland and Hawke's Bay and, to a lesser extent, in the Manawatu, Taranaki, and Wairarapa districts. Contracts were sought by growers, and production of the high grade required developed an appreciation of quality standards. Conducting the supply arrangements also enabled the Government officers concerned to extend their knowledge and gain much experience in procurement, processing, cool storage, and shipping. This knowledge could be used should prospects for recommencing the export of fresh vegetables, which are now being investigated, materialize. A limiting factor at present is the shortage of refrigerated shipping. During the war the United States authorities supplied fairly frequent and regular United States naval supply ships, as well as vessels drawn from the banana trade, ranging from approximately one thousand to four thousand tons, and having a combination of chilled and frozen space. (e) United States Joint Purchasing Board (Dehydration) Factories built to supply these needs continued to operate until the end of 1945. They processed (in pounds ; raw material weight in brackets) :

After the Division had supplied 842,485 lb. to the United States Forces up to Ist November, 1945, all orders were cancelled, and 109,581 lb. were sold locally, whilst 425,800 lb. were included in the Dominion's food gift to Britain. The Pukekohe factory also canned or quick-froze 500 acres of peas and 120 acres of beans. This supplied for local use, the Pacific war being ended, 726,000 cans of peas and 67,000 cans of beans. (/) New Zealand Armed Forces and New Zealand Markets This item refers to quantities that were supplied to Armed Forces and markets within New Zealand. The Division catered for the vegetable requirements of the Services in New Zealand until January, 1946, when the responsibility reverted to the Services to acquire their own supplies. Deliveries to New Zealand markets represent (1) disposals made necessary by the non-arrival of expected ships, (2) vegetables which did not reach the exceptionally high standard demanded for export, and (3) large quantities of cabbage, carrots, and beet harvested after shipping to the Pacific had ceased. The placing of these surpluses on local markets caused temporary gluts, which were alleviated as much as possible by special publicity, gifts to institutions, and disposals for stock food. However, despite the exceptionally low wholesale prices returned to the Division, retail prices generally continued to follow retail ceiling levels. It should be made clear that the Division is not responsible for supplying vegetables to the New Zealand civilian markets. The final shipment of New-Zealand-grown vegetables for the United States Joint Purchasing Board was despatched from Auckland on the 13th November, 1945. Since then the Division was entrusted to supply a shipment of fresh vegetables to Singapore and


— Hastings. Christchurch. Pukekohe. Total. Carrots .. 195,127 (3,104,777) 251,301 (4,001,355) 192,674 (3,096,923) 639,100 Cabbage 2,480 (92,728) 87,593 (2,451,459) 90,073 Cauliflower 9,030 (277,994) 9,030 Potato 524,933 (4,886,546) 48,488 (466,981) 573,421 Onion 59,562 (1,532,923) 59,562 Beetroot 8,680 (130,503) 8,680