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VI. Work Overseas General.—The expenditure under this heading (less buffet and other receipts) was £318,748, as compared with £197,461 for the previous year. Goods shipped to combat areas overseas during the year weighed 2,534 tons (approximately 78,000 cases) and the value of the goods was £429,232. This does not include goods despatched for sick, wounded, or prisoners of war supplied to the Forces Club, Cairo, or goods issued to Navy, Army, and Air Force stations in New Zealand, visiting ships, and Navy and Air Force drafts proceeding overseas. The destinations of the goods shipped overseas were United Kingdom, Middle East, India, Canada, 3rd Division (forward area) Pacific, 3rd Division (base), No. 1 Islands Group, Fiji, Tonga,. Norfolk, Samoa, transports, hospital ships, special service U.S. Navy, and Russia. Items taken at random from the list of goods sent overseas during the year are as follows : Pacific. Middle East. Balaclavas .. .. .. .. .. 110,404 Biscuits (lb.) .. .. .. .. 276,000 23,562 Cake (lb.) .. .. .. .. 85,424 25,028 Chocolate (lb.) .. .. .. .. 96,000 Cigarettes .. .. .. .. 1,385,550 7,602,000 Cordials (bottles) .. .. .. 41,820 7,536 Cups .. .. .. .. 20,413 8,160 Darts .. .. .. .. 23,636 576 Envelopes .. .. .. .. 5,743,900 249,000 Football boots (pairs) .. .. .. 2,497 2,250 Jerseys .. .. .. .. .. 270 Letter-cards .. .. .. .. 140,000 Letterheads .. .. .. .. 15,678,500 3,743,000 Mittens .. .. .. .. .. 50,204 Mutton-birds .. . . .. .. .. 4,000 Penholders .. . . .. .. 13,392 5,540 Playing-cards (packs) .. .. .. 21,600 4,320 Razor-blades (packets).. .. .. 4,500 260 Scarves .. .. .. .. .. 72,327 Shortbread (lb.) .. .. .. 14,650 Shorts (pairs) .. .. .. 96 129 Shaving-brushes .. .. .. 5,000 Sugar (lb.) .. .. .. .. 50,640 22,400 Table-tennis balls .. . .. 34,856 144 Tea (lb.) .. .. .. .. 92,600 Toffee (lb.) .. .. .. .. 73,500 93,012 The total number of gift parcels sent overseas during the year was 321,942, and gift Christmas tobacco parcels 8,550. It should be noted that the shipments to the Middle East were merely to supplement existing stocks, whereas to the Pacific initial shipments are included. Australia. —During the year the patriotic organizations in Sydney—the New Zealand Auxiliary War Unit, the New Zealand Association, and the New Zealand Branch of the Returned Soldiers' and Sailors' Imperial League of Australia —in conjunction with Lieutenant-Colonel F. W. Mothes, the Army Liaison Office?, and Mr. W. Taylor, New Zealand Trade and Tourist Commissioner, Sydney, continued to care for all visiting personnel. Trips were arranged through the city and country districts, and dances and other entertainments were held in honour of ail visiting troops. The Rector of St. Martins Church, Manly, the Rev. Mr. Elbs, placed a hostel at the disposal of visiting personnel and made them welcome.