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Raxgipo Prison. (Officer in Charge: Mr. A. Banks) At the commencement of the year there were 30 males in custody. During the year 23 were received, whilst 17 were discharged and 3 transferred,, leaving in custody at the enw of the year 31 prisoners. The health of the prisoners has been good, most cases of illness beingof a minor nature. Examinations were regularly made by Dr. Feltham, of Raetihi, Medical Officer, and dental treatment was given by Mr. Davies r practising dentist, of Raetihi. The conduct generally of the prisoners has been good, excepting for 6 military defaulter prisoners who caused a considerable lot of trouble and inconvenience by refusing to work as a protest against their imprisonment. Two defaulter prisoners escaped, but were later recaptured by the police. The spiritual welfare of the prisoners has been well cared for throughout the year by the Rev. J. G. Laughton, Rev. Smith, and Mr. Forlong. Regular supplies of reading-matter, which is greatly appreciated by the men, were received from the Mayoress War Memorial Library League, Auckland, and the Church of Christ Scientist, Wellington. We record our special thanks to the Christ church branch of the Howard League for Penal Reform and the Rev. J. G. Laughton, Taupo, for Christmas gifts to prisoners. The rations supplied during the year were of good quality. Various kinds of vegetables were supplied from the prison garden, and beef and mutton for rations were killed on the farm. Farm activities carried out during the year were principally the maintenance of the area already brought under cultivation, such as the clearing of second growth, the eradication of weeds, and the draining of swamps, no development being earned out on account of the shortage of fertilizers. The sheep-farming carried out during recent years has progressed very favourably. During the year 50 bales of wool were obtained, a draft of 446 wether lambs were disposed of to the works, and 80 were sold through Westfield. The ewe lambs were kept to add them to the breeding flock. During the year 89 bullocks were sold through Westfield and the local butcher, and others were killed for rations for this and Waikune Prison. The following crops were grown: 15 tons oaten sheaves, 30 acres of swedes, 12 tons of potatoes, 200 tons of hay harvested, and a further 2 acres of pampas grass has been planted. In conclusion, I would like to thank all members of the staff for their loyal co-operation throughout the year. Waikune Prison (Roadmaking Camp), Erua (Officer in Charge: Mr. J. G. Quill) At the commencement of the year there were 55 prisoners in custody, and during the year 80 prisoners were received. The discharges were: 31 released on probationary license, 4 on expiration of sentence, 17 on special remission, and 23 were transferred to other institutions. The greatest number of prisoners in detention at any one time was 71, the least number 51, and the daily average was 58-28. Six prisoners escaped at various times during the year. They were all recaptured.