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Prison Farm Camps.—The pumice land development camps are located at Hautu and Rangipo, in the Tokaanu district. Between the two farms approximately 8,000 acres of land are cleared and are in cultivation or in grass, the farms being* stocked with sheep and cattle. Clearing, fencing, and general farm work provides the main industrial activities. During the war periods the shortage of fencing-materials and top-dressing have militated against progress. Owing to the light nature of the country, it affords a harbourage for rabbits, and the keeping of these in check presents an ever-pressing problem. Last year, £2,103 was taken for rabbit-skins, and, in addition, a considerable quantity of rabbit flesh was disposed of to other institutions and sold in an effort to conserve meat. The Waikune Prison Camp, whilst primarily engaged on roadmaking and construction work, besides having established a dairy farm, operates in close co-operation with Hautu and Rangipo and undertakes the whole of the transport to and from railhead of stock and supplies for these two farms. The honour system prevails at these camps, and frequently prisoners work at considerable distance from any supervising officer. Breaches of trust are rare. In addition to benefiting from the healthy open-air work, many prisoners acquire experience in handling mechanized road-construction equipment, farm equipment, and teams, which stand them in good stead on their release. For recreational and cultural purposes a regular circuit of sound films is provided by the Department, and each camp is equipped with wireless. Facilities are also provided for correspondence classes for those who desire to take up same. Prisoners at these camps, by industry and good conduct, can earn a special remission. New Plymouth Prison.—At this institution prisoners manifesting sex perversion are segregated. The principal industrial activities are quarrying, vegetable gardening, and pig husbandry. A fairly substantial business in developing seedlings has been worked up. The entire plan of the work of the institution is so arranged as to ensure a close vigilance being maintained over all prisoners because of their abnormal predilections. This institution has been exceedingly active in developing hobbies among the inmates, and through this means a substantial contribution has been made through the war years to Red Cross purposes. First-aid classes are popular and examination results have been highly satisfactory. The prison medical officer is a qualified psychiatrist with long experience with homo-sexuals. The policy of the Department is to strive, with the helpful co-operation of the medical officer, to develop new interests for prisoners with a view to diverting their attention from morbid impulses. The results from the point of view of recidivism are highly satisfactory, but this class of crime unfortunately appears to be on the increase. Wellington Prison.—This prison is primarily a trial and remand prison for holding prisoners in transit or for transfer upon classification to other suitable institutions. The facilities for employment are restricted, but several activities have been developed which have proved of economy and benefit. The printery undertakes a considerable part of the printing of departmental forms. A certain amount of joinery is made for departmental use—e.g., cabinets for the Registrar-General's Branch and Electoral Office, The nativeplant nursery is continuing to function, and some eighty thousand native trees have been distributed throughout the district through the agency of the Wellington Beautifying Society. The society is shortly replacing the ger-mination-shed, and this will enable a new programme to be developed to assist the Housing Department in beautifying State house areas.