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Table III.—Showing the Quantities of Different Kinds of Fish caught by the Different Methods of Fishing for the Year ended 31st December, 1945


Trawl. Danish Seine. Other Nets. Steam. Motor. Total. Motor. Motor. Ttow-boat. Total. Barracouta Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. £ Cwt. 9 £ 989 728 199 65 1,188 793 2 1 5 5 4 3 .8 Blue cod .. 30 44 9 27 39 71 24 54 " Bonita " (Brama) Brill ' '44 i51 ' '44 'isi Butterfish (greenbone) 1 j 451 3 j 936 ''ll ' 36 1 j 462 3,972 Conger-eel 2 2 2 2 6 4 1 1 7 5 Elephant-fish '■492 1^228 3,366 6,695 19,090 3,858 7,923 'il8 '308 136 367 12 883 7 148 374 Flounders 5 18 5,046 5,051 19,108 3,286 10,070 6,850 19,378 3,092 7,733 22,470 Frost-fish Garfish ' 12 ' '42 'l35 '254 1 1 136 '255 898 Gurnard 1 j 273 1 j 361 9 j 640 12 j149 10 j913 13 j 510 7,797 6,822 1,266 898 1,266 Hake 428 1,115 143 499 571 1,614 Hapuku (groper) 367 936 536 1,803 903 2,739 196 *463 "l4 ' '22 Herring 170 156 ' 53 ioo 223 256 .Tohn-dory .. • '258 '254 ' '74 ' i76 '332 '430 ' '46 ' '69 3 3 3 3 Kahawai 4 3 34 31 38 34 1,704 1,215 ' 41 45 1,745 1,260 Kingfish ;. i35 'l54 154 152 23 156 155 Ling 352 '958 1 j 978 4,'i23 2^330 5,081 17 45 1 2 1 2 Mackerel .. .. 125 133 125 133 30 28 3 "3 33 31 Maomao 14 23 14 23 Moki .. .. 367 '720 '218 '365 '585 1 j 085 203 377 ' 73 138 276 515 Mullet 3,480 3,973 37 42 3,517 4,015 Parori Perch "l 1 " 1 1 845 602 4 2 849 .604 Pioki ... 533 486 533 486 '512 '663 570 721 570 161 721 103 Red cod 'i79 '204 7,874 4,955 8,053 5,159 21 42 1 1 'l60 io2 Sardine .... • .. Shark 761 713 8 28 5 '769 '718 5 6 1,458 167 1,025 211 1,458 167 1,025 211 Skate 4 3 19 32 22 Snapper 8,534 11,270 2,308 3,892 10,842 15,162 . 73,'i63 94,315 14,467 18^698 ■ "41 ' '89 14,'508 18 ,'787 Sole 751 2,318 16,289 46,757 17,040 . 49,075 950 3,596 Swordfish (marlin) .. Tarakihi 27," 728 47 j 638 19 j i74 27 j536 46^902 75^174 16 j i83 20,809 ' '52 io2 "52 3,580 i.02 2,670 Trevally 1,183 976 48 34 1,231 1,010 1,819 1,316 3,531 2,635 *49 35 Trumpeter 190 536 190 536Warehou Whiptail "25 64 ' *47 80 1 " 1 25 65 47 81 '221 '423 ' 60 '127 281 '550 "Whiting 287 201 287 201 Mixed flat fish 25 80 839 2,314 864 2,394 ' 64 178 136 668 477 616 136 681 . 477 634 Mixed round fish and all fish not specified Totals 1,084 1,106 1,371 2,330 2,455 3,436 743 644 "l3 "is 145,315 72,134 -69,953 134,042 115,268 206,176 105,093 139,597" 37,738 ' 56,304 1,448 3,844 39,186 60,148