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of the Marangairoa Id (Kautuku) Block pursuant to section 12 of the said Act. These are two of the largest blocks in the Northern Waiapu Consolidation Scheme, the completion of which has had to be delayed until the final disposal of claims affecting the titles. A most pleasing feature of the year's operations was the high percentage of alienations confirmed in favour of Maori alienees. Sales of land to Europeans comprised 50 acres only, while 433 acres were sold to Maori purchasers. More than one-half of the land comprised in new leases was leased to Maoris. Maori Land Board The increased activities of the Board are reflected in the annual cash turnover,, which exceeded that of the previous year by more than £87,000. In response to the call for the final war effort, a further sum of £lO,OOO was invested in war loans. Grants totalling £550 were made to the Maori Purposes Fund Board for the following purposes : welcome home to Maori soldiers, £lOO ; Uruahi River control, £5O ; Whakarua Park Hall, £3OO ; and Ariuru water-supply, £lOO. Maori Welfare A comprehensive survey of the housing and general living conditions in eight Maori communities in the northern part of the Tairawhiti District was made during the year under review. A total of 173 dwellings were inspected and reported upon, the number of residents being 1,124. This survey reveals a number of matters requiring attention, such as the need for more adequate water-supplies and the installation of proper cooking, washing, and sanitary amenities. Arrangements have been made for the installation of a water-supply at Ariuru Village, the funds having been provided by the residentsand the Maori Land Board, with a subsidy from the Health Department, and investigations are being made as to a suitable supply at Anaura. The Welfare Officer in this area has accompanied the District Health Officer and the representative of the Social Security Department on visits to the various settlements. The following is a summary of general welfare work in the northern part of the district: — Interviews on employment and placements .. .. .. 18 Rehabilitation —interviews and reports .. .. 51 Assistance re social security benefits .. .. 47 Housing assistance with applications and interviews .. .. 102 In the Gisborne area a housing and economic survey was carried out at Muriwai. General welfare work in this part of the district is summarized as follows : Placement cases .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Rehabilitation applications investigated .. .. .. .. 61 Assistance with pensions and social security benefits .. .. .. 143 Delinquent cases .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Indigent cases .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 2 General (including assistance with Native Land Court matters, education, wage adjustments, &c.) .. .. .. .. .. 11l i Aotea (Wanganui) District Thirteen sittings of the Court were held in the District during the year —six in Wanganui, three in New Plymouth, two in Hawera, and two in Tokaanu and Taumarunui. Notwithstanding the reduced number of sittings, there has been a marked increase in the business transacted, there being 72 partitions, 955 succession orders, and 523 other orders. Fees received amounted to £1,145 Is., as compared with £928 10s. received during the previous twelve months.